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Re: when is it time for hospital

A big hug to you @outlander. I think you really need a break away. Even a few days may do you some good. It sounds like a lot of pressure and expectation has been put on you. I don't really have the words or advice to give you on how to deal with your mother. All I can say is that am here to hear you out and hear you rant Heart

Re: when is it time for hospital

@outlander you do have a lot on your plate is there anything you can do for yourself tonight or over the weekend maybe some drawing your sisters might like this too a calmer activity

Re: when is it time for hospital

Yeah i do need a break @Anony18 @Pepsimax
I need it now. I cant deal with all this crap. I need to get away.the cheapest hotel is 100 per night where am i going to get that.
I cant do anything. If i do something gor myself im the worst person going.

Re: when is it time for hospital

Shes smiles on the outside
But everything is fine  right?
But everyday is a fight
Look closely  you might just see
Who i really am inside  me
I leak a tear from my eye
But all i want is to lay down and fly high

Re: when is it time for hospital

I need to get out if my head but as said in first post all i see is sh options with the strategies i have
Is there anything else i can do

Re: when is it time for hospital

I found this @outlander, which might be helpful.

What's on your distraction list?

altnernatives to self harm.jpg

Re: when is it time for hospital

My distractions are
Going for a drive
Art/ drawing/ colouring in
Being busy around the house
Poem writing
Talking on the forums

Re: when is it time for hospital

@CherryBomb above msg

Re: when is it time for hospital

The retreat seems nice,if it's affordable for you.As I said outlander make sure you get the right help and comfortable.I have had a****** doctors with their attitude which I now will not tolerate,they have a very narrow perspective to offer drugs and that's it.And that goes for anyone who you let into your world as their insights can at times be harmful to you.

Give the drugs a chance,too me I had the same thoughts now as when I was on antidepressants .I called them "happy pills"...Didn't work.

Re: when is it time for hospital

what of those distractions can you do tonight @outlander?


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