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Something’s not right

Casual Contributor

need suggestion

My husband(26) year old, he had psychosis 3years back. he got treated for 3 years now the doctor and him decided to stop medication. 


Reason: my husband got more depressed having medication. he doesnt want it and feels better without it.



recently he smokes marijuana and is getting a relapse and is talking to himself, having depressing thoughs( such as him being poor and having no one). If i tell him everything is gonna be fine he moves away and asks me to leave. he doesnt wanna see a doctor or does not want to take his medication.



I dont know what to do. any advice how to take him to a doctor


Re: need suggestion

Hi there @Jannatul14 ,


I'm so sorry to hear that your husband has relapsed. It sounds very hard for you.


Seeing he was under a doctor before, are you able to speak to the doctor to ask the best way forward?


Also, was he always smoking marijuana or did something happen for him to turn to drugs? It sounds like there's multiple things which complicate the situation.


Do you have supports for yourself at this time?

Re: need suggestion

Have are you going @Jannatul14 ? How is your husband today?

Re: need suggestion

Hello. yeah he used to take mariuana occassionally. Idk he is stressed cause he cant find work. Any idea how long relapses last?

Re: need suggestion

Hi @Jannatul14, relapses can vary from person to person. Stress can be a trigger for relapse sometimes.

Have you had a chance to speak to your doctor yet? 



Re: need suggestion

yea medications resumed. still the episodes are going
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