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When your best looks different each day

Hi there forums community, 


It's been a difficult month for so many of us, and I thought I'd share a little photo I found that helped remind me today that it's okay for my best to look different day to day. 


It's okay for my best to be different that what it was yesterday, and what it was two months ago. 


No matter what your best looks like today, know that here in this space your best is enough Heart 



Re: When your best looks different each day


I love it!

Re: When your best looks different each day

Isn't it such a great picture @StuF 🙂 Hoping that you are proud of however your best looks today!

Re: When your best looks different each day

A timely reminder, thank you @Daisydreamer 🌹


Re: When your best looks different each day

Re: When your best looks different each day

Havnt read the post but these words very much relate 

Re: When your best looks different each day

ok now Ive read it thank you we are all more than enough have a good day friends stay safeHeart

Re: When your best looks different each day

Love it @Daisydreamer Smiley Very Happy

hugs @LostAngel@Anastasia@StuF Heart

Re: When your best looks different each day

Hugs back @Shaz51 


How are you?

Re: When your best looks different each day

I am going ok @StuF , how about you 

raining up here 

worked this morning , 2 minute noodles for lunch , and the hairdresser this afternoon 


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