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Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar

Hello to All Members


This is just a place where people can catch up with Henry and others,

ask or answer questions

have a 'chat and coffee',

an imaginary 'joy flight',

just 'hanging out in the hangar'

{cleaning, polishing and mechanical assistance always appreciated},

to talk about any subject that complies with guidelines, available here > Guidelines & Info <,

or whatever else we might consider appropriate and possible.


Everyone is Welcome.


With My Very Best Wishes





The following details are just for interest. Though I was not able to complete flying training, the most exhilarating experience I ever had, on my own, was my first solo training flight in a Cessna 172


Aircraft Details | Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

I remember watching these beautiful planes {in other livery, paint and identification} landing on the Brisbane River when I was a boy. They looked like huge Pelicans as they glided down onto the river.


Cat Tales: The story of World War II's PBY Flying Boat

The story of World War II's PBY Flying Boat

There was also a Catalina Flying Boat base

at Matilda Bay near the University of WA on the Swan River near Perth


Brief story at the following website





665 REPLIES 665

Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar

Hello @Former-Member 


As you are aware, there are various type of threads, some social, some relating to particular issues that people may be addressing or through which they are able to exchange information.


You asked me whether I had a specific thread on which people can talk with me. So I have established a thread for just that purpose. Thank you for the stimulus to do so.


I have called it “Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar” which really reflects the purpose for which it is intended.


As I have mentioned to you, anyone is free to look through my profile, or any other person's profile. If you or anyone else wishes to establish a thread where they would like to talk without intruding into the conversation of others, or to talk more “privately”, it is useful to set up a more personal thread for that purpose. Privacy on the forum is more a courtesy than a reality, since all conversations are open and there is no 'private messaging' facility on the forum. However, because people on the forum understand the need for space, to speak with out intrusion onto others' space {eg social threads} and without intruding into the space of other people, less open, more personal threads are used and generally respected. There have been times when I have been involved in a conversation that has begun in a more social thread and I have transferred that conversation to a more “private” space so as to not impose on other members, a discussion that really should be more person to person and, in this way, allow others to continue their enjoyment of the more social threads, without that intrusion.


Since all threads are open, my introduction and discussion here may also be useful for others who visit this thread. As I have described the purpose of this thread, it is possible that different people may also visit here, so it is hard to say how much 'traffic' there will be on this thread.


If you wish to, you may set up a thread for yourself which will allow you, as others also do, to connect and talk more personally, with people with whom you may have more in common, on your own thread. I am happy to assist with doing that, for you or anyone else, just the way I have with this thread.


Since it is you, @Former-Member , who inquired whether I had such a thread, and as a result, it has been established, I have addressed you first.


I look forward to talking with you and others here, or wherever you may choose, @Former-Member 


With My Very Best Wishes


Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hanger

I love the name of this thread @HenryX !

I came looking for you to say hi. I am not sure if you're still around. I'm kind of hoping you are getting some sleep by now.


I think I will try for more as I'm not needing to be up for another three hours. 


Catch you another time dear Henry.


Haha that just reminded me of the song "There's a hole in my bucket" 😃


Night Henry 😊

Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hanger

Nice to see your interests, @HenryX. You mentioned Brisbane - did you spend your early years there?

Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hanger

Well done for setting up a thread @HenryX 

I hope you have a great day with lots of interesting conversations.



Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar

Hello @Anastasia 


Thank you for your very pleasant comment here, in the "Hangar". I have just written a reply to your comment in the "Good Morning" thread.


Greatly appreciate your positive comments.


With Best Wishes


Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar

Hello @Historylover ,


Thank you for your comment in the "Hangar" and with reference to my interests.


I was born in Seymour Vic., near Puckapunyal, where my father was stationed. The family moved to Brisbane when I was 2 yrs of age. Approaching my 6th birthaday we moved to Perth, WA.


Best Wishes


Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar

Hello @Eve7 


Thank you for your positive comment in the "hangar". Very much appreciated.


Best Wishes


Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hanger

That was certainly a major impression exposure to aircraft made on your young self, @HenryX. I must say I found those photographs very interesting. Seemed to evoke memories, somehow. Where in Brisbane did you live?

Re: Henry's Landing Strip & Hangar

Hello @Historylover 


In Brisbane, we lived in Bulimba, one of the boundaries of which is the Brisbane River. We lived in military married quarters, a house just up the hill from the water transport depot that existed then. I also remember going down to the depot and clambering through the landing barges that were based there. Needless to say they seemed huge at the time. There was also a small ferry landing nearby. My father and a friend built a small yacht in which I remember sailing on the river. And "Pop Fest", on whose fishing boat I recall going out to fish.


I have a lot of memories from that time, including the kindy that I attended, the "big school" - the primary school, up the hill from there, the barber shop near the kindy, the bus ride to the gardens around what I believe was (most likely still is) the parliament buildings. All this is bringing back more memories. That time was the most pleasant period of my life.


The train trip from Brisbane to Perth, that went through Melbourne and Adelaide at that time, with many changes of trains, because of different gauges of track width in the different states. That was a time when people normally travelled by train, before plane trips became commonplace. I loved that trip, and the observation car, with the curved glass window at the rear of the Trans Australian Railway train at the time. Now that train trip and The Ghan to Darwin, apart from use for the transport of goods, are considered tourist trips and possibly too expensive for most to travel for any other reason than for pleasure.


In the year following that trip I started grade 1 in the primary school near where we lived in a suburb of Perth.


Thank you @Historylover for the memory trip. It's interesting that I am now at an age where children, and possibly many young adults, may think that what I can remember and recall might be considered {ancient} history.


With Best Wishes



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