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Re: Craft Corner

wow my darling @Emelia8 , way to go xoxo

Re: Craft Corner

Beautiful @Emelia8 💙💜❤️

Re: Craft Corner

Awesome work @Emelia8 

Re: Craft Corner

Some lovely colours in there @Emelia8 . Well done.

Re: Craft Corner

hi @CheerBear I like walking around spotlight too as well as other shops but mostly cause I like looking at the homewares although honestly just today I was thinking about getting new curtains from spotlight for my kitchen x

Re: Craft Corner

Hi everyone! Very glad to have found a craft thread here 🙂 I also love arts and craft


I really enjoy making beaded jewellery, mostly earrings 


Would love to learn how to do metal work one day so I can make more jewellery outside of beads, but for now the process is super relaxing.


Is anyone working on any new art projects?

Re: Craft Corner.Number 4 attempt


Hi Guys, 

this is a painting of acrylic that I have done before. Hope you like it!









Re: Craft Corner

Hi @Formentalhealth 😄


I would love to see your acryllic painting, but unfortunately it looks like your photo upload has not worked. Can you give it another go? 


Good to have another artist/crafter on board @Daisydreamer 👍


Emelia 🌷

Re: Craft Corner

Hi @Daisydreamer @CheerBear @Emelia8 @Formentalhealth @LostAngel @Maggie and all craft lovers here. Long time no post on this thread as I've been mostly on the Knitting thread as that's what I've been mostly doing. I love all the work each of you have been doing such as dot paintings, sculptures and paintings. Everyone is so talented here on this part of the forums! Well done! 

Here is something I've just finished this morning, a knitted teapot square from a website called Daisy and Storm. They have free patterns in both knitting and crochet if anyone is interested. See below for my photo. I hope you like it!


Have fun crafting forumites! 
Stay safe and take care!



Re: Craft Corner










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