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Re: Craft Corner

Thank you for posting @Maggie  these are lovely

Re: Craft Corner

They are amazing! Well done!

Re: Craft Corner

Is Jam Making considered a Craft I wonder?  Anyway I havent got anything else recently completed to show here, so I thought I'd show you what I did yesterday.  I was given a large bag of lemons, some mandarins and a few limes.  Much more than I can use before they go off.  So I made a batch of Lemon/Mandarin/Lime Marmalade.  Here are the 5 jars of produce I made yesterday after hours of cutting up rind and fruit.  I'm happy with it, except it may be a little thicker than I'd have liked.  Might have cooked it a few minutes longer than ideal.  It tastes good though.  If I were really crafty, I would have made some of those little cloth things people put on their jar lids to make them look pretty.  But no, I dont have any suitable material for that.  Sorry folks.  It might be a while before my next Diamond Painting is finished, but when it is, I will put it up here for you all to see.  @Maggie @CheerBear @Faith-and-Hope @Eve7 @KEJ @Shaz51 


Emelia 🌸



Re: Craft Corner

Wow! Great work @Emelia8
I consider ham making a craft because of the different techniques and ingredients you need to do to make it. I love lemon curd butter myself!
My grandmother used to make jams and chutney - I especially loved her tomato chutney either just on its own or with ham on white bread! You’ve given me a very happy memory of her so thank you! She also used to like marmalade as well!
I look forward to seeing more of your creations! Maybe you could also post your recipe on the @Recipes thread if you want to share it?
Have fun!

Re: Craft Corner.Number 3 attempt

Hi all.

i went to do some more pottery and it is progressing slowly. My anxiety level was pretty stable and my concentration level sort of okay.F6CA5319-A282-4768-A107-89484F81DB6D.jpeg4E14CDD6-3A23-46EB-8B73-70509D08DD70.jpeg

Re: Craft Corner.Number 3 attempt

Well done @KEJ
I’m very impressed! Keep it up👍

Re: Craft Corner

WOW! Great effort @Emelia8 

you are so clever as well as kind, thoughtful and nice.


Re: Craft Corner



Re: Craft Corner.Number 3 attempt

It’s looking amazing @KEJ. 👍👍👍

Re: Craft Corner

That looks awesome. Well done!


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