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Re: 🏳️‍🌈 IDAHOBIT: Week long discussion 🏳️‍🌈

Hi everyone and @Daisydreamer 


thanks for tagging me, been off the grid for a bit.


I think a big issue is that people don't realise that we are allowed to choose and change our labels as we continue our journey. Exploration takes a long time. I'm not a big fan (anymore) of giving myself a label, for me it's just another tick box, like the assigned gender.


Trying to figure out what labels there are I found it helpful to be in specific Facebook groups and I learnt a lot there, even when I realised that I don't actually identify with that label.


Have a good night everyone.

Re: 🏳️‍🌈 IDAHOBIT: Week long discussion 🏳️‍🌈

@Former-Member wrote:

@NatureLover it's often not typically included, but I've seen another Q added to the end of "LGBTIAQ+" to stand for "questioning," and I think it's something everyone should get into the habit of including! i.e., LGBTIAQQ+. Anyone who is questioning is 100% welcome in the community 😊And there are quite a lot of people who are questioning! Heart 

@Former-Member  I didn't know that - thank you! Heart

Re: 🏳️‍🌈 IDAHOBIT: Week long discussion 🏳️‍🌈

@Former-Member wrote:

I hate that I can barely walk down the street with my partner without being worried about/anticipating other people's negative reactions, like verbal abuse, because we're trans.

@Former-Member  I am so sorry about this - this is terrible. 😞

And I had no idea that 1 in 2 trans people have attempted suicide - this is horrifying 😮

Re: 🏳️‍🌈 IDAHOBIT: Week long discussion 🏳️‍🌈

"Exploration takes time"- @petrichor such an important message 💜

Re: 🏳️‍🌈 IDAHOBIT: Week long discussion 🏳️‍🌈

Here is today's question:


For those who are part of the LGBTQIA+ community, how do you think someone could be a good ally?

For those who are an ally, what do you think it means to be a good ally?


@Former-Member @NatureLover @petrichor @wellwellwellnez @The-red-centaur @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Appleblossom @outlander @eth @Former-Member @Queenie @Sophie1 

Re: 🏳️‍🌈 IDAHOBIT: Week long discussion 🏳️‍🌈

I think the biggest thing that an ally can do is make someone feel comfortable where they are.


My work lets people, including managers, put rainbow flags on their namebadges to point out that they are an ally. 


I think that initiative helps in a work setting, so people know who to talk to. If someone has been subjected to homophobic abuse, they can approach an ally and report it without the fear of judgement.


I think allies can stand up when they witness homophobic behaviour as well, especially if the victims are openly LGBT.

Re: 🏳️‍🌈 IDAHOBIT: Week long discussion 🏳️‍🌈

Hello @Daisydreamer , @Former-Member , @Former-Member 

today question; 

For those who are an ally, what do you think it means to be a good ally?


ammm I have a fair few cousins that  are part of the LGBTQIA+ community, and they are each very different indivuals in their own rights 

one is to be there to listen to them , be there for them , to encourage them 

and to me they are still my cousins and always will be forever 

even one of my cousins ( texted me and all his other cousins ) and told us all not to call him by his real name anymore as he has changed his name 

well some were really upset even to say how dare he do that against what his mum (my aunty ) named him at birth 

but I have exceppted it straight away and my cousin has kept in touch with me as i have known him since birth and at one stage he and his mum and siblings have lived with us for a few years when he was young   and it has not changed anything between us 

@petrichor@NatureLover , @Former-Member , @Sophie1@eth@Appleblossom@Jynx@wellwellwellnez@outlander@The-red-centaur 


Re: 🏳️‍🌈 IDAHOBIT: Week long discussion 🏳️‍🌈

It's too personal. I can't say it. I wish I could.

Re: 🏳️‍🌈 IDAHOBIT: Week long discussion 🏳️‍🌈

Good morning @Daisydreamer 


I think a good ally informs themself and asks questions to better understand. Assumptions and judgement can hurt more than help. I'd  rather have someone ask me painful questions when I then have the chance to explain and also educate about the ways to ask. Open discussions. Many just don't know much about the subject. It's a general necessity for allies; supporters, carers in any area to learn.

Re: 🏳️‍🌈 IDAHOBIT: Week long discussion 🏳️‍🌈



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