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Hi everyone,

I'm feeling very lonely at the moment. I know it will pass. Anyone care to chat?😊


Re: Lonely

Hiya @Purplerain 

Was ddrawn to the forum looking to connect 

Whats news?


I went to the shops today - so wasn't expecting thereto be a line out the door for Kmart!This covid stuff never fails to surprise me.

Re: Lonely

Hi @HopefulWarrior,

Thanks so much for responding. 

Yes, you never know what to expect when you go to the shops with coronavirus. Can be either quiet or very busy.

I haven't done a lot today. Bit of housework and unpacking coz I just moved.😊

Re: Lonely

Hey @Purplerain 

Yes so true about shops. Never know what you're going to get.

Unpacking hey that's always fun. Have to confess I moved a few years ago and still have some boxes I've not dealt with. Could probably chuck them out. Now if I've not needed them! Lol

Do you like the layout of your new place?


I'm watching Netflix at the mo too - addicted to heartland 

Do you have an fav shows?


Re: Lonely

Yes, unpacking is fun, lol. 

I do like new place. It's bigger than old place. It fits us in better, myself and 2 of my 3 kids live with me.

I haven't got Netflix at the moment but I do love Home and Away. I haven't got my tv set up yet, so have been missing it!

Re: Lonely

@Purplerain we'reopposites I've not got a telly only streaming


Glad to hear its a better space for you and yr family

Re: Lonely

Ha, yes, we are opposites with the tv and streaming. Anything planned for tomorrow for you?

Re: Lonely

Have plans to go to mkts, seeing folks in arvo.


And u?


Re: Lonely

That's good. I haven't been to a market in a while. 

Ideally, I should do some homework for TAFE. My motivation has been holding me back. Ah well.

Re: Lonely

What are you studying?

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