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Self Care Activities

Hi everyone 

Just  thought id start a thread for everyone to share what things they like to do to care for themselves. Remember  it can be the simplest things too  


Re: Self Care Activities

What a great idea @outlander 

Some of the self care activities I like to do:


Watch my favourite tv show

Have a bath/shower

Play with the dog

Do word finds and jigsaw puzzles

Playing on my ipad

Using my coping box


What do others use on here to care for themselves?


Re: Self Care Activities

@outlander  Thanks outlander :D. I like to listen to music, watch you tube videos, read the news paper, go for walks, spend time with my children, pat my fur baby.

Re: Self Care Activities

Some activities i like to do are
-nice hot showers
-listening to music
-watching a good movie or tv show

Re: Self Care Activities

thank you @outlander this post is very timely as Ive just been thinking what to do for self care at the momment Ill just for now what I can think of,Watching movies,wether it be on NetFlix or at the Movies,Writting or Typing as the Forums Help alot with that,Sleeping,Listening to music,in fact right now Im thinking of watching the movie Titanic starring Leonardo Decaprio and Kate Winslet of all movies I dont know it feels relatable for some reason also I need a good nights sleep anyway all this emotional stuff makes you feel tired have a good night @outlander Heart

Re: Self Care Activities

Love those ideas @Snowie @greenpea

@LostAngel i hope some of these suggestions might help you and others too

Re: Self Care Activities

@outlander , @LostAngel   @greenpea , @Snowie 


Sitting under a tree in the yard with a cuppa 


Playing word games on the laptop 

Re: Self Care Activities

I like reading novels and walking in nature. Sometimes I read novels in nature too! 🙂


Re: Self Care Activities

I have to say todays self care was actually listening to other peoples feelings in a strange way that also helped me ,other self care was eating and hot shower 

Re: Self Care Activities

i do love a good cuppa @Shaz51


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