19-02-2019 02:58 PM
19-02-2019 02:58 PM
Going okay here .... will check in again a bit later cos running now .... 💕
19-02-2019 03:28 PM
19-02-2019 03:28 PM
Snap with the frustrated trying to go forwards but feeling like I’m just head butting a wall @CheerBear . So sorry ndis is so stuck in red tape and nothingness. I hate that so many thousands of dollars have been spent planning but not the funding coming through straight after for the doing. 😫😖😖😖😖.
I am wound up a bit although a lot better than when I came home from group. Today everything just wound me up. Have a feeling that hormones have been having a laugh. I missed a hrt a few days ago and spotted yesterday and have been 😖🤬since 😱
19-02-2019 03:50 PM
19-02-2019 03:50 PM
19-02-2019 09:53 PM
20-02-2019 03:03 PM
20-02-2019 03:03 PM
20-02-2019 03:58 PM
20-02-2019 03:58 PM
The like is for I hear you @CheerBear . I think the system may have mistaken the people who it was meant to serve as robots. 'It does not compute' so shut down is. Yesterday I looked into the respite program that I attended last year to see if I could still go. There was a ndis cost in dollars next to the programs which made me feel icky. To me it turned into a financial agreement more than support. I know the group running it aren’t out to make a profit but for the first time that sense of being a customer and looking for value for my dollar came in. This is all very cynical from someone who is not even going to access ndis. It has made me think though @CheerBear, if the ndis dollars are yours then how you use them should be up to you (as long as you use the funds for what you were given them for).
Here is fixit brain in full action suggesting things you’ve probably tried. Is there a way of finding a support coordinator that you can see has been helpful to people, like in a review of a service. It feels like so much of the funds are going into red tape. Next thing, can you get your psych to contact your support coordinator and bat for you how important this is. Perhaps a letter to the health minister (or opposition health minister) or someone in charge might help that vent be heard in places too.
Sorry. Fixit brain will stop now. Thinking of you and sitting with you knowing how frustrated you must be feeling. I’m still wearing frustrated, angry eyes like mr potato head too 👀 , partly for similar things, knowing what would be helpful but feeling like it’s an impossible dream 😖. Also pretty mad at myself cause I’ve been so unmotivated.
Some pretties for some cheer from me to you.
20-02-2019 04:24 PM
20-02-2019 04:24 PM
@CheerBear I really love @Teej 's idea of a letter to the Health Minister - the system is not working and they need to know how this is impacting people. It is enough that you have to deal with MI but then having to negotiate an inept system makes it nearly impossible. The effect that all this waiting and running around is having on you is immense. You had enough to navigate to be accepted as part of the NDIS now it seems like everything has come to a standstill and you are left wondering 'what next'. Really feeling big feels for you Hon - you don't need this at all
@Teej So often here we see or hear that support comes down to money (or the lack of it) - it shouldn't be like that. Health and education are so under funded and in some instances are completely broken - it is hard to put Humpty Dumpty back together when the egg is already scrambled
20-02-2019 04:32 PM
20-02-2019 04:32 PM
So good to read about your day and the psych @Zoe7. I am still in awe of the butterfly emerging. It’s not been easy but you are getting there step by step. 💜🤗 (it made my grumbles a little bit less grumbly 😘)
20-02-2019 04:44 PM
20-02-2019 04:45 PM
20-02-2019 04:45 PM
You know what @Teej those early days with you 'by my side' were some of the toughest for both of us - how we got through them I have no idea but we both have and you have come so very far also Hon. I know you will be likely to reject this but you have continued to inspire me as you have battled and battled and continue to come out the other side - do not underestimate just how much your continued support has meant - you are always there in the background and that support means the world to me. 💐
Maybe there are a couple of butterflies emerging here Hon
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