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Re: What 2020 was and what I want from 2021

Good to see you @Shaz51 🙂

Re: What 2020 was and what I want from 2021

Hi @Shaz51 How are you?

I just had my 1st Massage, in many months.

I found someone new to go to.

My back & tummy have been very sore & painful, for over 1 & 1/2 weeks.

I feel much better now....


Re: What 2020 was and what I want from 2021

Sick of this shite. Being treated like a second class citizen in my own family and my own house. Losing friends. Finding it hard to cope. More questions than answers

This is literally the only place I feel comfortable saying anything free of judgement

Re: What 2020 was and what I want from 2021

Funky Cold Medina is a Coktail drink @TAB I didn't know that.

I thought maybe it was a type of Beer....

Funky Cold Medina - Tipsy Bartender

Re: What 2020 was and what I want from 2021

No idea @Adge yeah know the song tho

Re: What 2020 was and what I want from 2021

Me too @TAB I like the Song.

The song is about a Coctail drink, with Vodka & Southern Comfort in it.

I've never tried Coctails much.

Occasional straight Spirits (eg Whisky), or Scotch & Dry.


Re: What 2020 was and what I want from 2021

Yeah well i could drink southern comfort before was experienced drinker so sounds ok yeah couple shots a month maybe here too scary lol i use mixers, trying to get off spirits ok and coca cola
How is your job going? @Adge

Re: What 2020 was and what I want from 2021

It's only very recently that I bought my 1st bottle of Scotch @TAB 

I always though I couldn't afford to buy any.

So I waited years, for the occasional Christmas present of a bottle.

That wasn't working - No-one gives me a bottle of anything anymore.

So if I want any, I have to buy my own - I am very sparing with it, just one Niiip/ Shot (once a week).


No job at all yet - I've been unemployed since May last year (2020), 8 months.

I just had that temp/ new job for 2 & 1/2 weeks in November (2 months ago) - Then was sacked, without any due reason.


So I get rather upset when people who Still Do Have a Fulltime Job - Complain terribly about it.

They have no idea how it is to try to survive on $360 Jobseeker per week - When my weekly expenses are $450 per week.


Re: What 2020 was and what I want from 2021

Ok yeah I work on off @Adge trying to stay on Centrelink now tho as am nearing 60 i thought you had some job more recently that you thought was unsuitable No matter. Yes got access to Super , got extra covid payments for a while, missed heaps. Anyhoo 😸 hope someone buys you well .. something .. 😸

Re: What 2020 was and what I want from 2021

I hope it works out for you @TAB I chose not to Dip into my Super.

Because there is too little in there, for Retirement.

Now they've closed it off again (stopped Covid early Super).


No I have not been offered any Job (no Interviews either) - Since that 2 &1/2 weeks (then Dismissed) in November.

What a Letdown that was - After 6 months (now 8 months) of Job Applications.


Sorry to hear that last job of yours was "Using you", to "Do them a favour" (you said) - When they were not paying you the same $ Rate as other people.



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