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Re: Caring4Corny

Yummy @Former-Member glad that it worked out. I love limes, I bought 10 for 2 bucks, I could suck on them every day or drink lime and soda every day. 


It's been really humid in Sydney this week or I would have cooked something hot. 


Hope you are well @Former-Member @outlander @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope @Appleblossom @Maggie @greenpea 


I hope that you are travelling OK @Queenie and that your symptoms have settled. I disappear offline at times too if I am in a flare and very symptomatic. I am even considering putting a landline on as a way to manage my PTSD and anxiety better, so I can turn my mobile off at times, I find my mobile very anxiety increasing if I need a time out and the text messages fly in at any hour of the day or night.


Corny Heart

Re: Caring4Corny

@Corny  Hey everyone I am on the Caring4Corny thread :D. How is everyone? I am awake super pea early today but might try and get some more sleep soon.  Simply love your pup Corny. We have a pet rabbit who is totally spoiled. He is sitting beside me now. I dont think your pup Cymber and my bunny would get along too well though. Love peaxxx

Re: Caring4Corny

@Former-Member  Lolz Sherry you are another vampire/werewolf like the pea :D. 

Re: Caring4Corny

@Corny  Hey Corny how are you going? Am off for ndis yearly funding meeting today ..... wish me luck. Will go for walk first though :). Found this lil gem whilst I was trawling the next.


REMASTERED IN HD! Music video by Bobby McFerrin performing Don't Worry Be Happy. #BobbyMcFerrin #DontWorryBeHappy #Remastered

Re: Caring4Corny

Hope your yearly funding meeting went OK @greenpea it must be stressful being reassessed again, but I hope that they were nice. @Former-Member I hope you are doing OK, I saw the confrontation earlier in the week & hope it didn't rattle you too much or remind you of the BB forum. I just thought oh god, the last thing you need is a guilt trip. I completely agree with you it isn't the right format for neediness that extreme not to mention how incredibly demanding it was of people with complex MI of their own, or complex caring/home life.  I find it very off putting to be spoken to like that, and I think that it is one of the downfalls of the BB website, people hide behind their computers and it provides an opportunity to get worse, not better. Having community members available 24/7 to validate you is not necessarily a good thing, it can validate unhealthy behaviours and keep them at a dead end road and avoiding face to face contact entirely and real conversation. I don't understand why they have designed it so a user can change their user name and the same person can appear to be 15 different people on there, with the same problems repeating over and over and over again like a broken record, with zero change, and you watch other people with a mental illness of their own prop them up for free. I really think that that website can be monitored better, I am going to write a letter about what happened to me on there and also give some feedback to how it can be improved. Make little goals for yourself and get some sunshine 


Happy Mardi Gras


Gay Pride doggy.jpg

Not applicable

Re: Caring4Corny

Thanks @Corny  ... and I agree with you on all you just said.  Well done for setting goals, its important to do so. As for the little confrontation here earlier in the week ... I was okay with that.  I said what I needed to and then did not revisit it.  I note that member has since 'left' but is now back again with a new profile. Its so unfair to the many members here who took the time they did to actively support her, only to then be told that nobody was supporting her.  😵  


Today is a bad day for me @Corny  ... anniversary day.  24 years today, a leap year.  I feel totally crap.  No sleep last night ... on purpose.  Nightmares have been too bad, to real, too persistent.  So I am not good support for anyone right now.  I think all that DV stuff so much in the news in the leadup has not helped either.  So apt what you said to @Maggie  about a moth to the flame.  My psych said to me years ago that some people are inextricably drawn to any news related to their trauma.  They literally HAVE to read it.  She explained tha this is in a way, a protection thing ... the more information you know about possible danger, the better able you are to counteract it.  Seems a little morbid to me ... but thats me to a T.  I am very much drawn to any news about DV, rapes, sexual assaults, home invasions, etc.  Its triggering ... no doubt about that .. but its also something I need to know about.  Or so it seems.


Okay like you ... I hope to achieve some very small goals today ... a cuppa on my back deck a little later with Holly.

Oh and good luck with your letter to BB.  I did that too, hoping to encourage some improvements ... got an anonymous response some 4 weeks later ... saying absolutely nothing.  Who knows if they even got my letter.  Maybe things have changed .. I would hope so.  I have heard that the previous manager has moved on?



Re: Caring4Corny

I never thought about it that way @Former-Member , that the reason we are drawn to those stories, and despite it being triggering, we read it anyway because we are surveying the threats and danger. The brain is doing its best to protect us.


But we are stuck with a head that is hyper alert and hyper vigilant to threats and danger, and even if our own major trauma has passed, our body doesn't agree. It is still surveying the horizon. I asked my clinical psychologist this week about something that I really don't understand, is people that have experienced sexual violence that they say was from a very young age and they have PTSD, are able to sign up to online dating, let a stranger into their bed, or invite a complete stranger to their house! How is that even physically possible. My little heart would literally explode from the physical cascade that is set off that my trauma burnt into the cells of my brain and nervous system. I was remembering the other day that I think that I was 25 when I started packing a second shirt in my bag for work because of the sweat that was coming off me. I used to have to change at work, or I would be like an old grandpa and wear a thick bonds shirt under my uniform so no one would see all my sweat patches. My friend that works in the criminal justice system thinks that PTSD is thrown around a lot, and its losing its meaning. He had a women ask him with another MI if he believed she may have PTSD because a door slammed and she jumped.....this is a guy that among other incidences of his life almost being taken was set upon by 7 guys with knives walking home in a major city overseas in his late teens.....he was like, hmmm sweetie, the door slammed and you jumped, you're going through some anxiety right now but I am pretty confident you do not have PTSD. 


In terms of your anniversary Sherry it seems to be quite common that you can get worse, not better. I have. Shock is an incredible drug and you had to keep going for other people. Once my mother was finally out of regional NSW and back in Sydney and set up here, my health disintegrated. My brain was able to lock some of it away and keep going, but once there was enough space for me to fall apart its like it came back 10 fold. My body caved in. 


I have found it incredibly hard to accept my baseline, and how low it is. You may be the same. You just don't have the stress resilience anymore and your baseline has moved forever. Some memories are burnt into your cells.


You've been permanently injured, and it was no accident, that's what's so hard to accept. It was premeditated and purposeful. It would have been a different psychology if you'd been hit by a car.


Clinical psychology has become so expensive. When I was going regularly the out of pocket different was only like, $15-$20, but now it is close to a$100! that is not affordable for people. Did you see your therapist this week?


Corny Heart

Not applicable

Re: Caring4Corny

Yes @Corny  ... I too cannot understand how that would be possible, ie the dating thing.  Impossible in my opinion.  I also agree that the term PTSD is being used way too loosely these days.  The new buzz word so to speak.  Its good that the disorder is now 'out there' and people are beginning to understand it a little, along with the likely impacts it has on our everyday lives.  But its not good that its become almost .. dare I say it ... mundane or everyday.  Because that is simply not the case.  It has massive ongoing repercussions in our everyday lives, and is not simply a matter of jumping because a door slams.  It is SOOOO much more than that.  Perhaps because people are reading some of the signs of PTSD, they think 'yeah I've got that'.  But for a true diagnosis of PTSD, there needs to be more than just one symptom or sign.  There are many.  And there needs to actually be an 'event' or cause in the first place.


Even in normal conversations you can hear people say ... Oh I think I have PTSD.  I never enter into the conversation, and never say that I actually do have it.  


What you say is very true. PTSD can worsen from time to time, no matter how long ago the initial trauma was.  Its often related to a lot of other things happening in our lives as well.  I've had a lot going on the past year, and there is no doubt this anniversary is the worst in a few years now.  Perhaps because its another leap year .. ie 29th Feb?  But likely due to lots of other things happening too.  Like my psych says ... with PTSD your 'bucket' (anxiety) is already full.  Even small incidents or daily stressors, is enough to cause your 'bucket' to overflow.  Well ... I fear thats whats happening for me right now.


Yes the cost of seeing a good psych is not cheap.  I see a clinical psychologist specialising in trauma, with a very good reputation.  I pay an out of pocket fee of $55 per session.  Its a luxury, but a luxury I feel is needed to keep me afloat.  I typically see her once a month, but more often when needed.  I saw her 2 weeks ago and have another appointment in a little under 2 weeks time.  But she told me to call or email her if I need to see her before then, with the anniversary in mind.  Unfortunately thats another stressor for me right now ... she is selling her psych practice and may no longer be practicing after the end of March.  I do not want to see another psych.


I made soup yesterday.  I was given a stack of overgrown zuccini's (marrows) and squashes.  Much more than I can use as a steamed vege accompaniament.  So I cut them all up, added some onions and garlic, and stock ... boiled them up. Just finished blitzing it, and its looking good.  Put it all back into the big pot and will work on what flavours and seasonings are needed.  Any ideas?  I've already added nutmeg, salt, pepper, worstershire sauce, curry powder, tabasco sauce.  Thought perhaps I could add some cream to some of it and serve it chilled?  Suggestions gratefully accepted.


Sherry 💖

Re: Caring4Corny

Good morning


Can we please be mindful of other individuals and their experience of PTSD and it can only be diagnosed by a professional.  There are many individual responses to PTSD please respect others and there reaction to trauma thanks.



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