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Re: COVID19 - Unpacking fact vs fiction! + Self Care Strategies

Hi everyone,

I was thinking today as winter is approaching in Australia, about the weather, the rain, the storms and especially power outages.  The PM announced to brace ourselves for 6months or so. As I live in the Central coast, we had a lot of outages last winter, plus recently during summer for 4days or so. To think about how long Ausgrid will take to send out repair works and if the workers had CODVID-19, the lengthy wait. 

So dear friends I went into Kmart today and got a $20 camping stove and the gas refills for $4. Plus fire starters at Coles/Bunnings for a small bbq. Just food for thought as all our food in the fridge had to be thrown away this past summer outage. If you have canned foods it will be a quick way to cook/warm up.

I have don't  have many friends, so I just wanted to share this 🙂 



Re: COVID19 - Unpacking fact vs fiction! + Self Care Strategies

Hi @Former-Member @JustWantLove @plasmo @Imogen @BlueBay and all concerned

There's another silimar thread that @Former-Member started

I'm cross posting, but I really think this is worthwhile - a series of positive and practical stories: 

Take care friends

Re: COVID19 - Unpacking fact vs fiction! + Self Care Strategies

that is great @JustWantLove 

i live in the cyclone area , so we have those things on standby Heart

Hello @frog Heart

Re: COVID19 - Unpacking fact vs fiction! + Self Care Strategies

Hey @JustWantLove what an awesome idea! Thanks so much for sharing this. I think K-Mart is a gem when it comes to creative supplies! How are you travelling with everything that's going on out there? Heart 

Quick update all @JustWantLove @Shaz51 @frog @plasmo @Imogen and others, the Today show just sent cameras into the Coles distribution centre and spoke to lindfox and the DC Manager there. Hopefully the interview will be published online soon, it was very good! It showed the distribution centre fully stocked and outlined more the problem is the trucks cannot keep up with the speed of sales. A really great move by the orgs as it will physically show people there's no need to hoard - keep an eye out for the article 🙂 

Re: COVID19 - Unpacking fact vs fiction! + Self Care Strategies

Hi all Smiley Happy


I think this is a great thread @Former-Member and I can see lots of good self-care ideas happening already!


@BlueBay I really like the idea of sitting outside listening to the birds. Nature can be so grounding and comforting in times of high anxiety. 


I resonated with @Millieme about having a daily routine. Having some structure can give us some sense of control when things are feeling uncertain.


@Imogen I'm always up for a good word puzzle too! I'm not usually a very keen reader but with more time at home I am trying to read a bit more - at the moment I am reading Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.


@plasmo I like your idea of tea and a nap. For me, this time has encouraged me to slow down a bit and focus on simple self-care like this.


I've been trying to expand my (very limited) repertoir of recipes I can cook (getting those freezer meals happening @Former-Member Smiley LOL


I've also been Face-timing the people I usually text a lot, just for a bit more human-human connection Heart

Re: COVID19 - Unpacking fact vs fiction! + Self Care Strategies

Today I tried to go shopping, there was not much available. got some sausages and small packet of mince. No bread, rice, pasta, not even two minute noodles. Scared that i didnt stock up and should have maybe.
My GP let us know that she is pregnant and because of the virus shes very nervous about her pregnancy and is taking time off. She's been the only stable person i've had.
I have to move in 4 weeks time (found out yestreday), i have no idea how or who will be available to help with a move with things locked down or even if i can manage anyway. The state of the world is so uncertain, on top of all of the other struggles i have, no idea how to manage all the extra now. overwhelmed doesnt even cover it today.

Re: COVID19 - Unpacking fact vs fiction! + Self Care Strategies

Omg... thank you. (Especially the good news sites.) 


I've blocked facebook and put up a post requesting friends pass on things they see that I might like (as long as there's no Convid in the subject title.)


I'm also looking at sites that give tips for craft projects and am following a number of hashtags that interest me on instagram to spark interest in things.


Tbh it's getting pretty overwhelming and my routine (which is important for my mental health is shot.) So... making lists. Working what I can still do out that's relatively safe and important. Creating a routine at home.. A work in progress.


And joining Sane as I feel my mental health slipping.

Re: COVID19 - Unpacking fact vs fiction! + Self Care Strategies

@Millieme Overwhelmed can feel like an understatement at the moment. We're all here to listen and to support you. The world has been through times like this before, and this time we have a lot more info on our hands. I do hope things calm down soon with the shopping, there have been some good news pieces today in a bid to assist this. We're here to listen Heart @Millieme 

Re: COVID19 - Unpacking fact vs fiction! + Self Care Strategies

@Knick FB limitations! What a great idea. Would be cool if there were an app you coud write the keyword "corona" into and it doesn't show you anything related to it on insta or FB! Thanks for sharing. We are all here to listen and help so feel free to write your own thread or reply here if you need 🙂 Heart Welcome to SANE.

Re: COVID19 - Unpacking fact vs fiction! + Self Care Strategies

Hi @Jupiter 

I'm unfamiliar with that book but there are so many to choose from.

I'm currently reading a wonderful book of historical fiction called the Sword and the Scimitar. It's set in Algiers, Istanbul, Malta and France during the Crusades. I highly recommend it. Happy reading!


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