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Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

lovely pic @Shaz51, I wouldnt mind a macro lense myself, its on the wish list 🙂

What camera do you use?
I have only recently tried gettng back into taking photos as a positive distraction for myself.
Used to love it but lost interest due to lack of time and motivation to leave the hosue outside of work.


Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

What size macro lense do you have @Shaz51
I can get a 35mm (52mm equiv) for a reasonalbe price but am concerned it will be too short. cant justify the cost of the 85 or 105mm lenses for somthing I would not use all the time.

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Pentax camera @Determined, thay arecheaper then canon and the others but the Pentax still does the same

we have not done much for a while too due to soo much happening

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

 105mm lenses -- is my macro lens -- well my hubby`s , he has been doing potography for 30 years , so I have his old camera and he brought a new one

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Is that a digital @Shaz51? I have not seen any pentax digital cameras when looking for upgrades.  
I am a fan of Nikon myself. My old Camera was playing up (13~14 years old) but was recently able to get a new body on a good sale.  

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Pentax K3 @Determined

My old Camera was playing up (13~14 years old) but was recently able to get a new body on a good sale.  -- that`s good , yes Hubby has a few camera bodies

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Cool pic @Shaz51

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh


Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh


Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Lovely @soul,
Trust you had a nice afternoon with your children 🙂


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