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Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh


Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh


Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

@Anony18, maybe you can share some of your holiday pics here on @Shaz51s new thread 😊

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Oh yesssss Please @Anony18 xx

love the photos @Determined Smiley Very Happy

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Thanks @Shaz51,

For some reason the wifi transfer from camera to tablet will only do low res so they r not as clear as I hoped. Will have to download to the pc tomorrow and see if they are any better. 

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Hello @Determined, @soul

my mum found this teapot for me from the op shop and gave it to me today

@purplemoon, @Zoe1, @Former-Member, @Tiggeroo, @Amy2, @beyondtired, @Rose96, @Sissy88, @Hank,  @Sid @Sister3, @Louiethefly -- your turn xx


Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

@Determined @Shaz51 - a few pics that I chose from other thread that makes me happy and grateful for the nature I have to calm me down. Though at this moment I wish was there because of the way am feeling....


This is a picture that made me laugh. A game we played. It was like chinese whispers mix with pictionary. Not sure if you can guess what it is


Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

great photos @Anony18, @Determined, @soul, @Former-Member, @JamesBluntus

want to go back here one day , water is a bit cool now


Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

For all you Star Wars Fans out there. I saw this during my morning walk. 


Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Came across this little pigeon whilst on my Sunday morning walk. Looked a bit sad to me but that wouldn't fit in with the Forum topic so maybe she was just contemplative.






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