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Private Mental Health Hospitals Melbourne (Recommend / Avoid?)

Looking for opinions on private adult in-patient mental hospitals in Melbourne, for a loved one that is very suicidal. There's a previous post with more detail

Any positive / negative experiences with specific places would be helpful. Google reviews really vary widely on these - most average 2.5 stars for places that just do mental health. It’s clear some places are just in for the money.

Only thing close to a comprehensive list I can find is from Department Veterans Affairs

Thanks to the community for the support so far. ❤️


Re: Private Mental Health Hospitals Melbourne (Recommend / Avoid?)

Hey @william-support ,


Welcome to the forums. I just wanted to share my own experiences as it may shed light on what's happening for your loved one.


I've always been linked into the Public Mental Health system due to high suicidality.


Even when I was not at imminent risk, when I reached out to Private Mental Health hospitals, they were NOT willing to admit me because of my history of high suicidality. 


I read that your loved one is 'very suicidal'. From my own experiences, I'm not sure a private service will take them.


Rather, if they are very suicidal, emergency is probably the way to go, and from there, once interventions have been in place and they are more stable, THEN it may be time to seek a private service?

Re: Private Mental Health Hospitals Melbourne (Recommend / Avoid?)

@tyme thanks so much for sharing experiences and replying. 
Yeah that's the plan - public first, then private. 

Based on calls it seems like there are some pretty nice places with beds that would probably be suitable pending risk test. 

But very keen to hear about specific places from others to help in creating a short list for later.

Re: Private Mental Health Hospitals Melbourne (Recommend / Avoid?)

I wonder if he is eligible for case management if he hasn't already? @william-support 


I had a case manager in the public system. They managed all my meds. This is for more acute conditions. 


If meds can monitored in a private hospital, even better. If he is to go to emergency, upon discharge, they should be able to give you the names of some hospitals.


From the top of my head, the Austin, Melbourne Clinic... they are the only ones I can think of.


Definitely better to ring around to see who specialises in the needs you are looking for. Also, they may have criteria such as you having a psychiatrist before being admitted, or you are under the care of an external team... 

Re: Private Mental Health Hospitals Melbourne (Recommend / Avoid?)

Thanks so much again @tyme

He is under case management.

The area is overstretched for mental health more than most areas. But damn I just don't know how much clearer it has to be for them to keep him there for a bit and give him some half decent treatment. 

The ward doc is looking a few days unfortunately. Need to get some decent help for him, hopefully he is game for it when he gets home. 

Re: Private Mental Health Hospitals Melbourne (Recommend / Avoid?)

Despite he saying he is well enough to go home, are you able to share your concerns with the team? @william-support 


Also, if he is case managed, there should be a psych triage number you can call. This will link to the service he is under, and what you say will be put on his file for the case manager to review. They may also organise CATT services.

Re: Private Mental Health Hospitals Melbourne (Recommend / Avoid?)


Thanks so much again, I've been trying to get hold of them all day. Hopefully when he gets home we get a more direct number because calling 000 all the time is not ideal.

We just want him to get the right support.

Re: Private Mental Health Hospitals Melbourne (Recommend / Avoid?)

Yeah, 000 is not ideal. They should have a direct psychiatric triage number you can call, depending on which area you living in. @william-support 


From my experience, when in a hospital, they never gave me a second opinion because it was more about who was on call/on shift and who could see you. They were so stretched so asking for a second opinion was not really viable.


Once though, they told me that if I wanted a second opinion, i could go to a different hospital (in a different area (PHN)). Sorry, I might not be making myself clear.


In Melb, you have North-Western mental health, Eastern Melb mental health etc... So if I was going to a hospital in the eastern melb PHN, and wanted another opinion, I could go to a hospital in a different PHN... 


I was living in a location where I was close to two hospitals, but they were in different PHNs. I could therefore go to the other hospital easily.

Re: Private Mental Health Hospitals Melbourne (Recommend / Avoid?)

Hey @william-support ,


How are things going?

Re: Private Mental Health Hospitals Melbourne (Recommend / Avoid?)

Yeah not amazing. Is there a dm feature on here?


For 24-hour telephone crisis support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14

If life is in danger, call 000