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Re: D.I.D....

I can relate to those emotions @Smc 

I don't think it is at all petty to put your self first occasionally. 

I can already feel preassure mounting here with work and uni ramping up for the year over the next couple of weeks. Regular phone calls and text messages while at work making me feel bad for having a life. It is hard to understand what the motivation is. 

Trust today went to plan and you are able to make it to tomorrow's morning tea. 




Senior Contributor

Re: D.I.D....

To plan... kinda sorta, not really @Determined?
We got a phonecall from her shortly after we left home saying that the hospital's MHT wanted to see her before discharge. Talked to a nurse who didn't know exactly when they'd be coming, but thought Older Daughter would probably still be discharged today. So we continued down anyway, but took our time on the trip... backroads and a couple of pleasant stops instead of straight down the freeway.
Arrived shortly after the MHT did, so sat in on their talk with Older Daughter, then they talked with us separately for a while, which meant we could be a lot more direct in what we said.
End result, Older Daughter wasn't discharged, they want to talk to her local case worker and her private psychiatrist before deciding what to do. It sounds like they're pretty concerned for her safety, and would prefer to have her admitted to a clinic. Asked what our preference would be. Am not sure with her current SI/SH mindset if she'd be accepted by a private clinic, and it's doubtful whether the local public one would take her either.
We'd like to see her somewhere safe and therapeutically beneficial. We feel like we've exhausted the options for finding something that fits those criteria. If they can find something that we can't, we'd be quite happy to go with it. Hopefully Older Daughter would too.
She's done so much cumulative damage that she's losing function in her hand.  Smiley Frustrated Something needs to change, but don't know how. Soooo.... not to plan, waiting to see if that's for the best.
Tomorrow's morning tea is a go-er. The hospital's ok with afternoon pickup, if she's discharged. If not, we'll need to get some more clothes to her at some very soon point in time. She wasn't expecting to be admitted, so arrived at the local hospital in her PJs, but with a change of day clothes as I'd recommended. Better than nothing, at least.

Not applicable

Re: D.I.D....


It is a real catch 22, I do not envy the job of public hospital psychiatrists having to work out who is to be admitted with limited bed availability. There are not the programs on the wards that private hospitals have - which in some ways may or may not be appropriate for public hospitals as the patients who are admitted are generally acute, a percentage qualifying for involuntary treatment (and as such would not be accepted in the private health system). They are often manic, psychotic, suicidal or there to detox from illicit drug induced psychosis. Due to short term memory issues, patients undergoing ECT will likely not benefit from concurrent therapy, these factors combined leads to cost vs benefit questions being raised in an already stretched system *sighs.


Re: D.I.D....

@Smc  Thinking of you and family. 

Senior Contributor

Re: D.I.D....

Ta @Determined, @Former-Member .... saw you there too @Shaz51.
She's still in a regular ward at the hospital, but rang up about an hour ago, really struggling with the "voices". And she believes she can't fight the compulsion/urging to do harm in connection with that, so she gives in, so the next time it's even more overpowering... Yeep. The line between realitiy and nightmare is really blurry for her at the moment.
She was waiting for a psych team member to come to see her, and one of the nurses was popping in very regularly to check on her. Dunno what will come out of this.

Not applicable

Re: D.I.D....

Extra prayers for you and yours tonight 🙏

Re: D.I.D....

Here also @Smc 

Not applicable

Re: D.I.D....

Wondering how you got on today @Smc @

Re: D.I.D....

thinking of you lots my friend @Smc  xxxx

Helllo @Former-Member , @Determined , @outlander 

Senior Contributor

Re: D.I.D....

No "new news" yet @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Determined.


Also have to ring my Mum. She's meant to be having a medical procedure that might deal with the ongoing infection on her leg, but my sister gave me "heads up" a couple of days ago that it might be a private admission. Mum doesn't have either the medical insurance or the liquid assets to cover that. Most of their money is still tied up in theri house. So gotta find out what's going on, and dreading having something else to sort out.


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