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Re: Caring4Corny

I completely disagree with you @Sylvester . Over-diagnoses is actually a real problem, and there are consequences to accessing help for people with severe mental illness if we diagnose the entire population with a severe mental health condition.


You’re supposed to be an advocate for how people slip through the cracks and what strategies and policy adjustments are needed to prevent that from happening – well this is one of the ways.


And secondly, oddly and bizarrely some people do lie. Look at the social and cultural ramifications of a tiny group of people that lying or exaggerating trauma has on the attitudes of police with such cases as Hannah Clarke and how this plays out in the justice system. You may wish to remain blinkered but I will stick to my own gut instincts if I think someone in my life is lying. My own life experiences have taught me that, and this thread is about my own life experiences. Just sayin’ Sylvester. 




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Re: Caring4Corny

@Corny  👍💖  Go girl.  You're fabulous.  Wish I could be more like you.


@Sylvester   I apologise ... there was absolutely no disrespect intended from me to anybody who suffers  from PTSD.  Yes too right ... it can only be diagnosed by a professional .... either a psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist with relevant experience.  And I assure you I have been.  I just dont like the fact that all and sundry now like to say they think they are suffering from PTSD.  It does lessen the relevance of those of us who genuinely have PTSD.  I am very mindful of other individuals and their experiences of PTSD.  And for that reason ... I will be taking a break while I am in the state that I currently am.  Thank you for prompting that.  I would certainly not wish to harm anyone else, and besides ... I am not capable of handling any conflict right now.  I cannot be here under these circumstances.  


@Faith-and-Hope @Zoe7 @Maggie @eth @CheerBear @Shaz51  ... just for your info 



Re: Caring4Corny

Tagging a @Former-Member  here so you know what's happening.

Re: Caring4Corny

It's diminishing @Sylvester.


Just because I am a women and a lesbian, it doesn't mean that my sex never embarrasses me, or makes me ashamed. I am not the sort of lesbian that thinks chicks can do no wrong.


And it breeds powerful moronic women like this, with attitudes like hers that ripple around the world!......have a listen to this and think about the ripple effect that it has on the genuine cases, why does she have that attitude?......the last 7 minutes of the podcast is gobsmacking, I fell off my chair.


Hugs @Former-Member you're an amazing women Heart


Re: Caring4Corny

Thank you @Former-Member for your response and clarifying your comments please take care.


SANE Moderator.

Re: Caring4Corny

Thanks @eth 



SANE Moderator

Re: Caring4Corny

@Former-Member I don't often disagree with you but in part I do here. Whilst I agree that PTSD is often 'thrown around' by some who have not been formerly diagnosed everyone's experiences and trauma are different. The severity of that trauma may differ greatly but trauma is trauma - however big or small we may perceive it to be.


In saying that though I feel that the response here by @Sylvester was not kind nor thoughtful and certainly did not take into account the obvious vulnerability you showed in your intial post. I too would expect more empathy and consideration under these circumstances and certainly more so from a mod. I understand your intention @Sylvester to not devalue anyone's experience of PTSD but you did not seem to consider the context nor the personal experiences of those that wrote those posts. We are all allowed to voice our personal views - and many of those views are from lived experience - so a much kinder and empathetic response here was needed.


I am going to tag @Former-Member @s-jay @Former-Member in here also as maybe this is something that they should be aware of and work with our moderators to improve on in future training.


@Former-Member @Corny My thoughts with you both here and a recognition that you are both allowed your own views - as we all are - and very much thinking of you both HeartHeart

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Re: Caring4Corny

Hi all @Former-Member @Corny @Zoe7 and others reading along. Thank you for your posts and for bringing to the foreground the discussion of PTSD and complex PTSD Heart It is a very important complex mental health issue that affects many people in varying degrees. As mentioned, those affected may feel anxious and highly vigilant, with the experience of intrusive thoughts and memories of the trauma across a range of differing events in their lives. The good news is of course, with treatment, people with PTSD can make a full recovery 🙂 It sounds like @Former-Member and @Corny you have a great deal of insight and have had to be very resilient to push through a lot of the symptoms of PTSD, so huge props to you on sharing your stories with us and for being so self-aware in the process.


In regards to the comments on our Moderator's posting, we're definitely open to this feedback and want to ensure you're all feeling supported during these discussions. I would encourage anyone who needs further support regarding a mod post to e-mail and get in touch with myself or another community manager so we can help you out further and ensure we've got all the info on hand.


Just a gentle reminder @Former-Member and @Corny that we have a reptitive criticism of service guideline (which you can read over here). Whilst we appreciate the use of acronyms, many members of this forum are aware of the service you're referring to. We'd encourage members to avoid ongoing criticisms of service offerings on the forum, and instead get in touch with us via for further info on feedback mechanisms. Any further criticisms of service will be removed from the forums in line with this guideline. In addition it's important we all try super hard not to allude to other forum members across threads, as per our respect guideline here. It's understandable especially when we're really passionate about our own experiences that we forget the community guidelines, but they are in place to keep all members safe across the community.


If anyone needs any further support from a Community Manager or insight on our community guidelines, please do reach out via the email above 🙂 Thanks again all for being so raw and honest about the affects of PTSD, I know it's not an easy thing to go through and in turn share Heart. If any members want more details into the affects of trauma, or gain strategies on how to help manage the symptoms; we'd recommend reaching out to our SANE Help Centre as well as the forums. Blueknot also have a really great helpline here.

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Re: Caring4Corny

Checking in @Corny

How are things going down at the homestead?


How long will it take before your Kombucha plant is ready?


When would you be looking at starting your balcony garden? I have pretty much settled on the fruit trees I have selected for our garden, will wait though to get them bare rooted.

Not applicable

Re: Caring4Corny

Dear @Corny  ... I'm concerned about you sweet Corn ... I note you have not logged on since 29th Feb.  I hadnt either until today when I decided to log back in to check on you and a few others on the forums who are doing it tough.


So here I am ... checking on you.  Hope you are okay and I would welcome a check in when you feel up to it.  I very much care about you my friend.  I am truly sorry for causing distress here on your thread.  It was never my intention.  Nor was it my intention to cause you to feel you cannot be here, or to feel unsafe in any way.  😔


Sherry 💕


Image result for corn


Image result for home on the homestead

Here's a nice homestead for you .. a place where you can grow a fabulous vege garden and an orchard full of fruit and nut trees. Looks like a great place to have your longed for homestead dog as well.




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