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Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

  • Hello everyone
  • Try to create a stress free environment.


  • This can be achieved by creating a comfortable and welcoming environment and a tidy organised space, as it can help relax and de-stress everyone.
  • Keep noise levels to a minim because a quiet space can be soothing, while a lot of noise can be stressful and distracting.

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Top ten tips for carers to support their own recovery

Number I

  • Have ME time.


  • Set a time for yourself, e.g. watch TV, draw or read.
  • Do something you enjoy and love, happiness relieves stress.

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Top ten tips for carers

Number 2

  • Have social support.


  • Go out and see your friends or family and distract yourself.
  • Make time to see them every so often, socialising is great for your mental health.

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

I would say my bottom line is a little similar to @perseverer

I have not always been able to provide a stress free environment and certainly have not had much social support, even tho I tried hard to create both.  I mainly learned how alone I was and now am resigned to having social support as part of mh services.  However the big improvement is that I can see the difference between mingling and getting social support .. thats a plus for me from this forum.

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

  • Top ten tips for carers

    Number 3

  • Do physical activities.


  • Physical exercises can lower your stress levels, e.g. swim, run or walk in the sunlight.
  • It can help you become healthier and have a better sense of well-being.

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

I agree @Appleblossom, @Anony18, @perseverer, @Faith-and-Hope, @Former-Member xx

a stress free environment which is hard as I can not be too orangized as Hubby can`t find anything -- I have to leave things where he puts them or he can`t find them

and  not  much social support,, we dont have any friends , being on here has been great for me xx

and I have been keeping in contact with the family myself

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Hi @Shaz51
I live about 85 km from nearest major centre, Wellways have a carer support person that comes and visits me in my own home or will meet me for coffee. They also have a support person who looks after Mr Darcy who will take him out for coffee. Not sure if that would be an option for you.

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

@Shaz51 - agreed sometimes creating a stress free environment is hard. I been finding people organising my life but putting things in my diary gets pressurising when these days I tend to go with the flow or feeling as sometimes I want my alone time or spend it with specific group of friends. 

Physical activities has been a great importance for my MH and being able not to be overbearing to my partner who is the person who suffers from MI. 

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

  • Hints Number 4
  • Relax and rest.


  • Take some quiet time to yourself, e.g. read, meditate or do yoga.
  • Remove yourself from stress and get a good healthy amount of sleep.

Re: Carers Hints and tips to Success

Hello @Former-Member, @Anony18 xx

Wellways have a carer support person -- Thank you @Former-Member, I will have a look xx


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