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Re: Topic Tuesday // Physical Activity and Mental Health // Tues 6th July, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

We are ready to get started! Welcome everyone to this fortnight's Topic Tuesday on Physical Activity and Mental Health. 


I am very excited to welcome @Peregrinefalcon as our special guest 🙂 I will now handover to @Peregrinefalcon to introduce herself


For those who are joining tonight, I would love to hear what you are interested in talking about tonight 

@bipolarbunny @StuF @Eve7 @Shaz51 @Anastasia 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Physical Activity and Mental Health // Tues 6th July, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @bipolarbunny! Great to have you here Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // Physical Activity and Mental Health // Tues 6th July, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hello lovely Forumites! ❤️ Excited to be here!

You might have seen me around as one of the Forum moderators. I am a SANE Help Centre counsellor and monitor the Forums over some weekends.

Before my time in the mental health field, I have worked in the fitness industry for around four years. I am a big believer in the link between mental health and physical activity and love exploring with people what type of physical activity works best for them. I am excited to hear about your relationship with exercise and have a discussion about the different types of ways you get active in your life as well as the things that can make it hard to get active, too.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Physical Activity and Mental Health // Tues 6th July, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @Shaz51 and @bipolarbunny 🙂

We are also joined tonight by the amazing @Former-Member who will be around to provide support and contribute to the discussion Heart

Re: Topic Tuesday // Physical Activity and Mental Health // Tues 6th July, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

I might share what I am excited for tonight 🙂 I am really excited to explore what different types of physical activity look like and get some new ideas. I'm also keen to learn more about how I can build activity into my schedule on days when I feel flat

Re: Topic Tuesday // Physical Activity and Mental Health // Tues 6th July, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

I'm keen to hopefully talk a bit about barriers to physical activity, and anything we can do about them. I used to play sport competitively which was great for my physical and mental health, but haven't for a few years due to a number of barriers- I miss it, though! 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Physical Activity and Mental Health // Tues 6th July, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hey @Peregrinefalcon @Daisydreamer @Former-Member @Shaz51 @bipolarbunny , 


I really like to go for long walks to clear my mind or I like to go swimming. 

Sometimes I like to dance to music 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Physical Activity and Mental Health // Tues 6th July, 7:00-8:30PM AEST


Re: Topic Tuesday // Physical Activity and Mental Health // Tues 6th July, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

hello @Peregrinefalcon@Daisydreamer , @Former-Member , @bipolarbunny 

I am interested with physical exercise and mental health as sometimes having that right balance , sometimes over exercise is not good either as well as not enough 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Physical Activity and Mental Health // Tues 6th July, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Welcome to the discussion @Fluttershy1 & @apc!


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