23-03-2021 07:49 PM
23-03-2021 07:49 PM
It sounds like it's been a rough road to lead you to where you are @citttycat- I'm glad to hear things have improved for you.
23-03-2021 07:49 PM
23-03-2021 07:49 PM
I think people self medicate in all sorts of ways with things that can be addictive @greenpea @Meowmy I have been told by health professionals that I don't have an 'addictive' personality. I think they are right, but even so I do sometimes just want an escape. This was really strong from the 2019/2020 fires on and it's still there. If there were no consequences I would probably drink a lot of alcohol. But of course, there are consequences aplenty, and I know it's a bad mix with Bipolar
23-03-2021 07:50 PM
23-03-2021 07:50 PM
Sorry to hear you didn't get the reminder @eth but glad you've been able to join us anyway!
23-03-2021 07:50 PM
23-03-2021 07:50 PM
Hi @Shaz51
Whatever works! Some people take one, Susana takes three, everyone is different in number and combination.
That's one of the challenges, and I imagine it has been a lot of work for you both.
23-03-2021 07:50 PM
23-03-2021 07:50 PM
@Strivetothrive wrote:
Patience, reassurance, calmness, creating a space that he feels safe and supported.
Encouraging him to share his thoughts and feelings with more people than just me
Thank you for naming a few of the ways that you create that safe and supportive space too; Patience, reassurance and calmness💜
23-03-2021 07:50 PM
23-03-2021 07:50 PM
@eth Hi eth good to see you :Dx
23-03-2021 07:51 PM
23-03-2021 07:51 PM
@Daisydreamer @SusanaBA for me training and experience in peer support has been invaluable to better understanding of my own challenges as much as those of others. Being on the forums has been a wonderful support but also given me a sense of worth and purpose in supporting others. And connection is very much part of that, but also bigger. Since the advent of zoom being used so much I am now more connected to my community and interest groups than I've been for decades. Not only meeting peers but also making some 'freely given' friendships. Priceless.
23-03-2021 07:51 PM
23-03-2021 07:51 PM
Thankyou, Halve been treated for depression for last 20 years. Needless to say interested in hereditary issues
23-03-2021 07:51 PM
23-03-2021 07:51 PM
Good to see you @eth
23-03-2021 07:53 PM
23-03-2021 07:53 PM
Hi @frog
I'm not convinced on the addictive personality thing. I prefer to think about it as underlying issues that create an unmet need.
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