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Re: Topic Tuesday // Finding community: Feeling belonging and connection // Tuesday 7th December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

3. In what ways does community provide connection and belonging? Do you have an example from your experience?

@Former-Member @still_bookish @Shaz51 @nony @CapnWannabe @HenryX @greenpea @chibam @Dimity 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Finding community: Feeling belonging and connection // Tuesday 7th December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

Hi @Daisydreamer @Former-Member @CapnWannabe @HenryX @chibam @Shaz51  I'm sorry I'm late In joining in. I forgot it was on.  I can only stay for a little while as I have things on. 

Community for me means somewhere that I can belong, be myself and share common interests and ideas with others. I feel that being part of a group is special and it makes me feel valued and less alone if that makes sense. It's like here in the Sane community forums, I can share information and learn from others who have the common interest of mental illness. It's being part of a group and having others who matter to you and who you can rely on to talk to and often help you in times of need. I hope this makes sense.



Re: Topic Tuesday // Finding community: Feeling belonging and connection // Tuesday 7th December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

@Daisydreamer  Well I guess common interests and goals, understanding, respect, tolerance, and, for want of a better word, forgiveness of mistakes.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Finding community: Feeling belonging and connection // Tuesday 7th December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

In what ways does community provide connection and belonging? Do you have an example from your experience?


Having lived a very big part of my life feeling disconnected from community and feeling a lack of belonging has given me my own understandings of when I did find a meaningful community how it created changes in my external world but so much in my internal world.

Community provides me with a sense of connection & feeling of belonging by having people to talk to and engage with in meaningful ways, by allowing an understanding of each other’s needs and a sense of purpose when others may lean on you & vice verse. It can help with motivation and feeling’s of being of value in a group of people which I know has helped with my own self esteem & confidence.

I also think that sometimes we don’t see ourselves as other’s might see us & I think when it’s an inclusive and effective community, it can have a really beautiful way of bringing hidden aspects of ourselves out by being with others.

As someone who due to my own experience of interpersonal trauma, can be a bit distrustful with new situations & people, so I have found that building connection & belonging through community can take time. I have learnt to give myself permission to take it one step at a time & find that it’s more sustainable by doing it that way for me.

What do you all think?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Finding community: Feeling belonging and connection // Tuesday 7th December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

That clear picture sounds like a great blueprint to finding and building communities that you value @chibam

I would be interested to hear what your picture looks like 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // Finding community: Feeling belonging and connection // Tuesday 7th December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

i like everyones answers so far. i dont really have much to add to whats already been said

Re: Topic Tuesday // Finding community: Feeling belonging and connection // Tuesday 7th December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

@Daisydreamer when I refresh my browser keeps reverting to cached copies so will catch up another time. Thanks 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Finding community: Feeling belonging and connection // Tuesday 7th December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

Welcome @Judi9877 🙂 So glad you could be here!


Community for me means somewhere that I can belong, be myself and share common interests and ideas with others. I feel that being part of a group is special and it makes me feel valued and less alone if that makes sense. It's like here in the Sane community forums, I can share information and learn from others who have the common interest of mental illness. It's being part of a group and having others who matter to you and who you can rely on to talk to and often help you in times of need. I hope this makes sense.

Such a powerful description of community. The point about feeling valued, and being able to be supported in times of need is so important. It brings a smile to my face to hear you feel that community with SANE

Re: Topic Tuesday // Finding community: Feeling belonging and connection // Tuesday 7th December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

I'm not sure if I'm in the right place?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Finding community: Feeling belonging and connection // Tuesday 7th December, 7:00- 8:30PM AEDT

@Former-Member @Daisydreamer 

Community provides connection and belonging by having shared interests and goals and being able to relate to people who have these things in common with you. Building relationships is a big thing with being part of a community and taking on roles often happens I've noticed in several groups I've belonged to in the past.




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