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Re: Topic Tuesday // Breaking The Cycle: Addiction, Alcohol and Drugs // Tues 27th April, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Dear @Merry


Thank you so much for your positive words.  It means a lot to hear from someone with similar experience and was able to break the link.  You have also answered one of my questions.  Each time he uses his limited DSP funds on cigarette or possibly more drugs and has left with no money, we have been facing tough decisions of not provide him with food.  We fear that we are enabling him cause he would think that 'mum will provide food so it's okay to spend the money now'.  

Re: Topic Tuesday // Breaking The Cycle: Addiction, Alcohol and Drugs // Tues 27th April, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Wine is my weakness too @greenpea 

@TideisTurning , @Calvin , @Daisydreamer 

Soo hard to help my step children  as they live soo far away 

If they lived here Mr shaz would be back to more 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Breaking The Cycle: Addiction, Alcohol and Drugs // Tues 27th April, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@Merry great question and there is more and more research about addiction and substance use, and the interaction with the brain. Turning Point is a reseach centre and they do have some great information that is backed by research on their website. At a quick browse, I found an article about the Brain Disease Model of Addiction. @greenpea has also mentioned some of the current understandings of neuroscience and addiction. When it comes to drugs, different drugs will do different things to the brain- it might be worth looking into the specifics of the drugs you are interested in learning about

Re: Topic Tuesday // Breaking The Cycle: Addiction, Alcohol and Drugs // Tues 27th April, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

How do you help someone who denies there is a problem?

Hi @Fhr 

Thanks for your reply.

It can be incredibly difficult for someone in your position having a family member experiencing addiction because we as family members have little to no control over the choices that people around us make. From what you have said, it sounds like your son may feel stuck in that 'pre-contemplation' stage, meaning he may not feel fully ready for change. Once he decides to move to 'contemplation' stage, this is where progress towards change can be acheived.

I will be discussing more about family members supporting other family members a little later so keep an eye out. But I think its important to mention how we use our communication skills when it comes to approaching your concerns. For example, creating a safe space for conversation, using open ended questions surrounding how that persons feeling is important. Generally you can get a feel when to broach the subject of your concerns. People that do use alcohol may have a time where they may feel most vulnerable. 

Its also important for you to prioritise your mental health as well, I understand it can be quite consuming having a loved one affected by alcohol/drugs. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Breaking The Cycle: Addiction, Alcohol and Drugs // Tues 27th April, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Welcome @Zelf. You're not on your own! We're currently on a question about whether mental health or addiction come first & how the two might be related. Do you have any thoughts on this? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Breaking The Cycle: Addiction, Alcohol and Drugs // Tues 27th April, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@DaisydreamerThanks Daisydreamer:)

Re: Topic Tuesday // Breaking The Cycle: Addiction, Alcohol and Drugs // Tues 27th April, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@TAB wrote:

I guess what can be done with Depression eg is limited if you are still using, guess it is relative. @Daisydreamer  I Would say treat the addiction first

They definitely can impact on each other. Similar to you, treating addiction is where my loved ones start too.

Just as recovery is unique, I am sure that the starting point would be too

Re: Topic Tuesday // Breaking The Cycle: Addiction, Alcohol and Drugs // Tues 27th April, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@Hello3 @Calvin Question 4: Substance use can be a coping mechanism. At what point does using substances become an addiction?  

Re: Topic Tuesday // Breaking The Cycle: Addiction, Alcohol and Drugs // Tues 27th April, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@Daisydreamer Question 4: Substance use can be a coping mechanism. At what point does using substances become an addiction?  


It is very common that addiction occurs from people self-medicating to cope with trauma, stress, shame, and emotional distress.


It would not be wrong to say that substance use becomes an addiction when somebody reaches a point where they want to stop but find they are unable to. However, there can be many layers of denial for somebody suffering from addiction and they may be suffering from it, but believing they are in control and blaming many other factors for the problems they are having when the root cause, is in fact their substance use.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Breaking The Cycle: Addiction, Alcohol and Drugs // Tues 27th April, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@Shaz51 That would be hard to be supporting from a distance ðŸ’œ


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