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April 2022 Community Wrap ⭐️

A big hello to all the SANE forumites! 😊

April delivered some pretty amazing happenings in the SANE forums, and we’re excited to share this wrap-up with you all.

Thanks as always goes out to all members for continuing to make the forums a safe and supportive community for all.


#️⃣ Trending topics:

👏  Celebrate a member: 🎉


Shout-outs to these members for their contributions to our online community…


@TAB  for continually sharing encouragement amongst the community as a whole, but so
often here 🏆

@Appleblossom  for the genuine care, thought and empathy you show others 🍏🌸


@NatureLover  for the ongoing support you continue to provide to those living with OCD and/or their related diagnoses here 💚


@Talzy_T for bringing your insightful questions regarding peer work here and your courage to share your story and make new friends here in the Forums 👏


@florencefifty big shout-out and congratulations on having graduated from your studies
this month👩‍🎓


@Shasan for the amazing peer support you’ve shown across the Forums 


🗓 SANE events to take part in next month:

As we head into May there’s plenty of opportunities events and opportunities to get amongst it in the Forums!

Check out the May events calendar below and keep an eye on our events thread...
Forums Calendar 2021 (6).png



🔦 Spotlight on:

In April we put a temporary pause on events as our online peer workers undertook a month of training, but we’re excited to be back with more events and days of celebration in May!


🌸 Quote of the month: 


it is possible to be good to myself even while on my own..png


Do you know someone that could be celebrated in the next wrap or see a quote you think could be shared here? Feel free to email our team at 


If you are enjoying reading our monthly wraps - hit the support button, and we will notify you when the next one is up! 
@Paperdaisy @CrazyChick @Bow @Former-Member 



Re: April 2022 Community Wrap ⭐️

Go you @ Tab! .. vote #1 .. jk lol .. 🤦‍♂️😎🎩
Hey I'll take it @Former-Member Thanks .. ' just workin' .. for th' public '.. as Iggy used to say in Stooges days lol ...
Be Cool 😎 people ...

Re: April 2022 Community Wrap ⭐️

Haha @TAB, I think you have the perfect clip/meme for every occasion 😂

Re: April 2022 Community Wrap ⭐️

Aww, thank you, @Former-Member ! ❤️


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