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Casual Contributor


My child is currently in ICU Mental health with psychosis, paranoia.  First episode. 

Would like family experiences.  Feel in the dark with medical team.  Not to say they aren't helping but child is an adult. How much information can we request. It's been 4 days and no family conference or any real input. We are in NSW. 



Re: Psychosis

Hi @Bernard ,


It sounds very tough in that your child is in ICU.


Being the weekend, there are not may doctors and staff who can meet to discuss what's happening. Then, as we lead in to Christmas, they have skeletal staff. I wonder if that is why you haven't yet heard anything?


Have you been permitted to visit ICU? Or at least phone to speak to your son?


It sounds like your son is quite unwell and needs significant support at this time. If you are noted down as your son's carer, you can ask them to keep you updated about what is happening.


I'll also send you a check-in email.

Senior Contributor

Re: Psychosis

Hi @Bernard  Am sorry to read of your families situation. From experience, Christmas time is a very difficult time to expect any news as staffing is minimal and also being a weekend there will not be any evaluation by a psychiatrist. Patients are generally monitored and observed for a few days by nursing staff and these observations are then passed on to the treating psychiatrist. You should be able to receive updates and any info you request on behalf of your child even though he/she is an adult unless he/she has stipulated differently. It takes time, especially this time of year so please, despite your anguish, try to remain calm and patient. I know this is easier said than done and my thoughts are with your family 🙏

Re: Psychosis

Thank you so very much for your reply.

Yes we can see him which is fantastic.  I appreciate this time of year- it's hard.

He has been there for 4 days and we have yet met with anyone. Fingers cross the new year we can begin to make a plan.

Re: Psychosis

Sounds promising @Bernard .


If someone is acutely unwell, they like to observe them for a while before telling the carers much. When speaking to families, the probably want to have a plan in place that they can share with the family.


Fingers crossed that things get better for you.


We look forward to hearing how things go.

Re: Psychosis

Hi @Bernard  Any news yet? Hope you and your family are coping ok. 🙏

Re: Psychosis

Thanks Krishna for your reply.

Still navigating the system. Spoke with Drs today- some improvement but I  understand it will be a long road.

Thank you for taking the time to respond- really appreciate it

Re: Psychosis

I think the patient needs to consent to sharing information once they are adult. There will be some sort of conference before release but if there is no patient consent they may not tell you a lot. When we were in this position, I found information sheets were helpful eg google'What is psychosis?'

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