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Re: Everything music

Cats are royalty. We are their willing servants. Bohemian Catsody - enjoy a parody song of the Queen classic, Bohemian Rhapsody, this time, all about CATS! Okay, some have asked, so here you go - if a Bohemian Catsody tshirt or mug is your kind of thing, you can get one here: ...

Re: Everything music

yeah , I have like 3-4 of their songs can listen to, but would never buy or look for it intentionally re Queen @greenpea 

in the wars w gut getting back on weightloss meds. went off them, cardiologist, said No,you have to

So at best have grumbly guts, at worst, gas pain, reflux etc , ok not all down to meds, I have form.

can do anything once it starts just distract self or lie down.  

anyway no pain this morning.

Hope you are going okay. cool and very windy last night , so house will laugh at 36deg today

Re: Everything music

@greenpeaPea tbh I don’t like Queen. Never could get into them.

How lucky are we to live in a world that had Grunge 🎼🎤 Led Zeppelin and Bowie.

Re: Everything music

Oh Pea @greenpea your beautiful words made me cry 😭 

Re: Everything music

@TABcardiologists are a interesting lot.  is yours female or male?  i want a female ... have male atm.  hope your tum leaves you in peace.  gonna be hot here too but nothing like where you arexx

Re: Everything music

@Glisten   G💗

Re: Everything music

he's male @greenpea  didnt notice before, he is balding and has big lumps on his head, just about blind too, he filled out a script for me his nose was like 2 inches off the page

..anyway, what he says makes sense and he seems genuine.

just got to be more careful what I eat for a while at least think re gut

Re: Everything music

@TAB  mine is young and attractive to some but not my type.  he is cold. might ask doc for referral to female cardi....

Re: Everything music

@TAB @Glisten   i have found surgeons to be weird lot.

Re: Everything music

yeah I have to take what given in country. one guy from practice in adelaide visits near here, when things escalated, referred me to colleague from same practice

@greenpea going for nap here


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