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Re: Craft Corner

random question, as I can't sleep. I'm not sure if you can help, but would you happen to know what would happen if I have a jumper that is supposed to be knitted with 2-3 ply wool, but I use 4 ply?
Will I need to decrease the no of stitches I use, ie do a swatch and decrease, or would it just be easier to knit a size down?

Re: Craft Corner

Good morning @Former-Member 🙂

I wouldn't think there would be too much difference between those thicknesses of yarn, or enough to worry about. In saying that, because it's a garment maybe there would be (it would matter a lot less in a blanket). When I am crocheting, if I find different yarns become too loose or tight when I am working them, I change the size of my hook rather than trying to adjust the number of stitches. That seems way easier to me than trying to adjust a pattern. Knitting might be different though 🙂
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Re: Craft Corner

How pretty are my new yarns @CheerBear?
Two bunnies on the way!


Re: Craft Corner

😮 @Former-Member - they're soooo pretty! The two together are a perfect match (I can see them on the app but not on desktop which is strange). Love the light reading you've got going on under them haha!

I've just been given 2 days break at home as asked by GP. I'd happy dance except I am too tired. But it means I don't have anything to do except what I want and guess what my biggest want is? My blanket ☺ I might even get it finished (but won't put pressure on myself). 

This is my next project I think (after about 358 thousand others that I have pinned on my Pinterest board 😉)

crochet_comp_2 (1).png

Micro crochet! Huge challenge but so seriously cool!

Have fun with the bunnies! Looking forward to seeing them (if you want to share) 

Re: Craft Corner

I love the 2 colours @Former-Member and that looks interesting on the paper under the yarns Smiley Happy

Hello @Former-Member, @CheerBear, : @Spookytookims, @Mazarita

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Re: Craft Corner

Oh, that's good that you have a few days off. Yay for relaxing craft time.
Will def post the bunnies once they are done. (give me 6 months - I'm super slooow)
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Re: Craft Corner

I deliberately put the white paper there to show off the colours - they shine in real life, they're sooo pretty.
And the paper underneath, isn't too bad a read either @Shaz51

Re: Craft Corner

Yes they are pretty colours @Former-Member, Smiley Happy


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Re: Craft Corner

WOW! microcrochet!
That's amazing!!
I am sooo impressed that you could even think about doing that.
If you can, I highly think you should find a pattern for a turtle.... and a kitty cat!

Re: Craft Corner

Ooooh look @CheerBear, I'm almost as good as you now at crocheting!!! Smiley LOL

crochet take one.jpg

By the way, you said the first step was to learn how to make a chain. No, the first step was to learn how to make a slip knot! I had to search for another video to teach me that. Smiley LOL

Look  @NikNik and @Former-Member I moved my new crafty adventure out of the ocean and over to here. I think that deserves a round of applause, don't you. Smiley Very Happy


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