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Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Smiley Very Happy there is a few more my sister @Zoe7 HeartHeart

wonderful idea my sister xoxo

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Please tag away my sister @Shaz51 the more the merrier Heart

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Thanks for the invitation @Appleblossom.


I have mixed feelings about Christmas. I lost any kind of religious belief at the same time I stopped believing in Santa (one Christmas when I was ~8), so that part holds no significance for me. I also feel like a lot of it is quite forced (gotta go be merry!) and I also hate the rampant, pointless consumerism (also forced).


Having said that most of my memories of Christmas are happy ones. My extended family is huge and it's often the only time I get to see a lot of them. The sheer number of people can be overwhelming for me, but the fact that there's so many people means that it's quite easy to escape an awkward situation/conversation, or even just disappear entirely for a while without anyone noticing. I've used this last trick quite a lot in the past and will certainly do so again this year Smiley Tongue

Not applicable

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Thanks @Zoe7, good idea.
I'm trying to boycott X-Mass but it's everywhere. My faith / belief in the original meaming of CHRISTmas is strong but my faith in humanity, and family is shattered. I won't party but in superficialities, whats the point without faith? joy is very different to happiness. But I guess, any excuse to spend money & eat (for most). Call me Scrooge if you want LOL

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

way to go with the tagging xx @Appleblossom Smiley Very Happythank you xoxoxox

ammmmmm @Queenie, @Silenus, @Carlachris, @Jo, @Bella1978, @Bel, @Battleweary xxxxx


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

This is exactly why this thread is so important @Former-Member so those like yourself that have mixed feelings about christmas have somewhere to share. For me the day was always about family and I loved being with my grandparents with all the love they had for everyone. I have never been very religious but certainly appreciate what the day should be about. It is way too commercialised now and the essence if the day has certainly erroded over time. Getting back to peace on earth and goodwill to all people would be a good start here methinks.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

there is a differnence between being religious @Former-Member and just celebrating christmas my awesome friend

my closest family member is just my mum who is in hospital at the moment , we are going to my SIL for christmas lunch

we have been invited to my aunty and cousins for christmas but mr shaz does not want to go @Zoe7


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi @Shaz51 im sorry to read your mum is back in hospital. I hope she is doing ok and getting better. ❤️

Hi @Zoe7 @Former-Member@Faith-and-Hope

you know I don’t remember my childhood christmases. It’s sll gone. It’s sad that I csnt remember. 

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Maybe 2 things in one day would be too much for him @Shaz51 - I can certainly understand that myself. We used to be able to handle visiting people and then ending up at my nan and pop's but now just doing th eone thing is enough. My parents are getting older too so it is a long day for them when they have to travel too.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

This is the time to make new memories that Ayla will remember @BlueBay History does not have to repeat itself when we have children to celebrate it with.


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