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13 Nov 2021 10:55 PM
13 Nov 2021 10:55 PM
That looks lovely @Judi9877 I pulled my knitting out tonight and it has stopped me from doing something else which is a good thing.
Thanks for sharing and for the tag. 💖
13 Nov 2021 11:13 PM
13 Nov 2021 11:30 PM
13 Nov 2021 11:30 PM
Hi @Eve7
You have made me very happy knowing that you went for your knitting instead of doing something else. I hope like myself, you find knitting calming and relaxing whilst still achieving something wonderful and exciting.
Thanks very much for sharing this wonderful news⭐️!
16 Nov 2021 12:27 AM
16 Nov 2021 12:27 AM
Hi there knitting forumites! I'm so glad you each enjoy knitting!
I've been spending time today (Monday) working on knitting squares for my Self Care Squares Blanket with me completing 2 today of the same coloured yarn. See above for a photo of 1 of the squares I knitted! To be honest, I don't really like the yarn colours but it's knitted now so I'll add the squares to my blanket to add up the number of squares (currently at 13 out of 81) and go from there.
Keep those knitting creations coming!
21 Nov 2021 09:48 PM
21 Nov 2021 09:48 PM
Hi there @Anastasia @Gwynn @Eve7 @Shaz51 @BlueBay @Daisydreamer @Former-Member @Appleblossom @Faith-and-Hope and all knitters here. How are things going with your knitted creations?
Yesterday I completed an adult sized Crazy Blsbket for charity which is 1.7m high x 1.2m wide (see below for photo). I call it a crazy blanket because the strips I knit are of random acrylic 8ply yarn and are in different amounts of rows according to how bored I get of knitting the yarn and depending on how much is left in the ball of yarn. It's a great way of using up little leftovers of yarn and I know that each blanket will be different and unique to the individual who receives it all because of how I have chosen to knit the blanket up. It's a simple item to knit with all that's required are 4mm knitting needles, a tape measure and plenty of yarn in different colours. Oh, and a wool sewing needle to sew the blanket strips together to make the blanket. Sometimes, I'm known to make scarves for the same charity like this as well if I can't wait to knit at least 6 strips for a blanket which is also required by the charity I knit for. I hope you like it! I also have a baby blanket being constructed the same way except that the length is only 1.1m x 1.2 wide for the same charity which I was working on today after moving some of my things to my new property.
Kerp on having fun knitting!
21 Nov 2021 10:00 PM
21 Nov 2021 10:00 PM
What a beautiful creation @Judi9877 ❤️💙 Very kind of you, it will keep someone very warm 🙏
22 Nov 2021 11:15 AM
22 Nov 2021 11:15 AM
Oh wow! This is an incredible blanket @Judi9877 - i'm sure it will make someone very happy.
I love the bright bold colours!
26 Nov 2021 09:57 PM
26 Nov 2021 09:57 PM
Hi there @Former-Member @Gwynn @Anastasia @Eve7 @Shaz51 @Daisydreamer @Ripples @Appleblossom and all knitters here. I just thought I'd update you all on my Mental Health Recovery Blanket that I've been working on since being in hospital on 6/9 and then continuing to work on it after 23 days of discharge after that and now into the future, post discharge. I'm up to the last section, Part 3, with the first part of the border done on 1 side which I sewed up earlier today. I hope you like it!
I noticed on Tuesday when I finished moving house how much my knitting meant to me as I found it helped keep me grounded and settled me down mentally after the long day of moving was over. It's like I needed to have my knitting in some form near me in order to feel relaxed and calm so I had a small panic attack when I couldn't find it! Luckily my knitting showed up and things went back to me being cool and calm once again and I was a happy little camper after that. It just goes to show how important knitting is to me and my mental health and in some ways, sense of self and identity as well. Have any other forumites had a similar experience with their knitting? Maybe it's just me?
Talk later as I've got more knitting to get done!
26 Nov 2021 11:49 PM
26 Nov 2021 11:49 PM
I wish I had your talent @Judi9877 !!
Looks great 👍💕
27 Nov 2021 09:02 PM
27 Nov 2021 09:02 PM
Wow, @Judi9877 , your recovery blanket looks amazing! I love the rainbow in it, do the colours have any special significance to you beyond 'I had them'?
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