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Re: Knitting


Here's my knitting so far on my shrug. 😊

Not applicable

Re: Knitting

Hello @Judi9877  just wanted to thank you for being so kind and welcoming to me on thr forums. You are such a beautiful person and I hope you get back to your healthy self very soon💕 My account will be closed as of tomorrow. I couldn't leave without seeing you. Lots of love to you and all forumites take care.

Always-hope 💞💐🌻

Re: Knitting

Hi @Gwynn @Eve7 @Ripples @BlueBay @Smittenkitten @Daisydreamer and all knitters here. See below of several beanies I have knitted over the past few weeks when I have been at PARCS for a mental health stay.






 Whilst I was in the local hospital mental health inpatient unit, I started knitting a baby blanket for charity but decided I wanted to keep it since it was special to me and have changed to my mental health recovery blanket. I did this as a reminder of what I went through when I was on the ward for a psychosis episode where I was I initially only allowed my knitting in my room for a maximum of 2 hours a day for the first few days which I really appreciated and treasured the time. I'll post the blanket when I'm finished as I'm still working on it.


Enjoy your knitting forumites🧶☺️


Re: Knitting

Thanks for the update @Judi9877  and I’m glad you’re back home.


The beanies look awesome and I like the idea of a recovery blanket.


Take care

Re: Knitting

I love your beanies @Judi9877  take care xxx

Glad you're home. 
ive been sewing eye pillows to try to sell. I've knitted quite a few different headbands. 

Re: Knitting

Hi there @BlueBay @Gwynn @Eve7 @Ripples @Smittenkitten @Daisydreamer and all knitters here. See below for a photo of my Mental Health Recovery Blanket that I've been working on since I was admitted to hospital on 6/9. I'm back at home in the community and I'm still working on it as it's special and I want to get it completed to remind myself of the mental health journey that I've been in with it - a psychosis episode that led me to go to hospital and PARCS for 23 days! I hope you like it!


Keep on enjoying your knitting and your craft hobbies. 


Re: Knitting

Hi @Judi9877 

this is a stupid question - but how do you join the squares together ? 

Senior Contributor

Re: Knitting

Despite the cover, don't bother with The Neuroscience of Mindfulness if you're interested in knitting - it barely mentions it at all, preferring to focus on colouring in.  The book also lacks citations for its factual content, but is despite that, a decent read.

Re: Knitting

Hi @BlueBay @Gwynn @Eve7 @Ripples @Smittenkitten @Daisydreamer and all knitters here! How are things going in the world of knitting? I'm now working on a baby jumper - size 1 to be exact- as I got a little bored of my Mental Health Recovery Blanket. I'll be back at it soon though as I've made an agreement with my psychologist to keep in working on it as part of our therapy sessions! The jumper will be navy blue and dark green for the main sections with grey/white for the neck and bands for the rest of the jumper. I'll post it as I get it completed. 

@BlueBay It's not a stupid question about how to join the squares together at all! Basically, I just knit the individual colour and join the wool on at the end of the row and then knit as usual. As for sewing the squares, they're actually strips of 1.2m long in length so I just join them together next to each other as you would if you were sewing a seam on clothes for example. I'm not too good at explaining this but I hope it makes sense? For joining different colours onto knitting, look on the internet about joining yarn together in knitting or similar words and it should bring up how to do it in either a video or written instructions with some diagrams. I hope this helps!


Keep on enjoying the benefits of knitting forumites!


Re: Knitting

Hi @Judi9877 🙂

I have just resumed my knitting projects this week, with a rainbow scarf. I have previously opted for thicker wool and knitting needles while I get back into it, but decided to go with a more detailed project this time (4mm knitting needles).

I've been looking at what I can do knitting wise for Christmas and getting my Christmas craft ideas together. Do you have any ideas?

I have always wondered that too @BlueBay about knitting the squares together, I haven't tried before 🙂

Looking forward to seeing your next progress picture @Judi9877


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