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Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hi @bipolarbunny, you've described having gone through a great deal - sending love and support Heart

It's so good to hear that you've found a great network of professional supports, and have been accepted onto the NDIS.

I'm not sure if you're familiar with their services, but between appointments if you'd ever like 1:1 support, Blue Knot offers a helpline to survivors of childhood trauma. 

Take care and welcome to the forums! Heart



@Mazarita I'm sorry to hear that your father was violent. 1800 RESPECT and Blue Knot offer various forms of support you might also find helpful. 
I also love what you said about love for others- "Love is the best thing about life for me." I feel very similarly Heart Take care 🌻

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hello @bipolarbunny 

Good to see you here!

Wow I could relate to your post.

Mixed episodes are hell.

But so happy you've found the pdoc, tdoc and gp that work for you.

Me too. Makes a world of difference.

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

@Former-Member Thanks so much, I didn’t know about Blue Knot, I’ll definitely keep them in mind. Have a wonderful day.
BB 🐰❤️

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hi @frog,
Greet to meet you.
Yeah mixed eps are definitely not for the faint of heart.
My meds are due to be upped on Monday so it will be interesting to see what happens.
I’m glad you have a good support network around you too.

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Will be thinking of you on Monday @bipolarbunny 

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Thanks @Shaz
BB 🐰❤️

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

So glad your tdoc is helpful @bipolarbunny and you're exercising regularly and keeping fit. That helps a lot. I've found in the past that gardening and walking are good, I even had a gym membership for a while and need to start moving more again. Increasing meds is a judgement call, I hope it works well for you. I'm also only on antipsychs for the bd atm  and titrated down a little because of side effects.

Ģardening was soothing and grounding til neighbours mowed down my flowers which was very upsetting. There's not as much birdlife either since local redevelopments. Ì did some cbt goal setting a while back and I'm not ambitious, but having a walking or gardening buddy would be nice. If I were a computer I'd use the reset button and start again with a book club or piano lessons.

Good luck @bipolarbunny it sounds as though you're going well.



Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hi @Dimity,
Yeah I found the side effects of the antipsychs pretty rough at first too. Changing my diet and working out has helped a lot though. I expect I’ll cop zombie brain again when they are upped but I’ve been spiralling a bit the past few weeks, so its become a necessity.
You mentioned hitting the reset button, any reason you can’t start piano lessons now? I’ve just started re learning guitar. Another outlet to focus my wayward brain on so it keeps busy. YouTube is a wonderful resource for learning new things.
I don’t blame you for being upset about your flowers, what is wrong with people. They stigmatise those of us with mental illness, but the real disease is ignorance and stupidity. We used to have neighbours too who were inconsiderate morons. They used to frustrate and aggravate the hell out of me, thankfully they moved.
I hope you can find more ways to find your zen. Daily training for me has become a necessity. If I don’t get my daily dose of endorphins I’m not a happy camper.
Take care,
BB 🐰❤️

Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

Hi @frog @Olga @Shaz51 

Finding the right work-life balance is hard but so important to physical and mental well-being, not to mention lifestyle. I was happiest working a regular 3 or 4 days a week in a supportive team and with a sympathetic boss but all 3 didn't come together often in the course of my working life. I had 2 or 3 breaks between jobs when unwell. I tended to overcompensate by putting in unpaid overtime which was a bad idea, it's resented by workmates and gets you regarded a a poor time manager. Especially if while high you're sending emails in the middle of the night. 

Ìf I can ever get myself motivated again I'd like to go back to some writing. Journalling or even going back to my unfinished thesis. My dad did a lot of writing in his retirement and managed to publish quite a few kids books by working slowly and steadily for a couple of hours per day. 

I've heard a lot about sleep hygiene and it's not through lack of trying but my sleep cycle is phase shifted and it takes me hours to get to sleep, then I sleep til midday and the best part of the day is gone. I even sleep through alarms. People tell me I just need willpower but the dizziness and fatigue feel pretty real and debilitating. 


Re: Let`s talk about Bipolar

@Dimity, I understand how it is when sleep becomes an issue. I used to have problems falling asleep but since I listen to something as I drift off( I use judge Judy, lol) it is better. Still waking several times each night. Occasionally I use an over the counter sleep drug, my psychiatrist says ok if not regularly,  but I am not sure if you want to go there. I relate to sending e mails everywhere in the middle of night when manic. I did the same and had to leave Facebook as I embarrassed myself plus made enemies. It is a constant juggle...


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