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Re: Caring4Corny

@Corny 🖤🧡
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Re: Caring4Corny

Checking in @Corny 


How are things at the homestead? How is the new scoby going?


falafel.jpgHoping you are making progress on refining your falafel recipe.


Looking forward to hearing when there are plants in situ in the balcony garden. If you are looking for a budget idea, growing your own garlic from cloves brought from the supermarket that has begun shooting is easy to do. Tradition says plant garlic cloves on the shortest day of the year and harvest on the longest day, but planting between equinox and shortest day is quite acceptable. 


My sister reckons this chickpea curry is A1 - I have not tried it as yet.


Just an idea to keep in mind  - if you are really wanting K9 company, there is an option of volunteer community dog walking - taking K9s on strolls as their owners are too old/unwell to be able to do so themselves, programs are often run by local councils.

INGREDIENTS ½ red onion 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 clove of garlic ½ thumb-sized piece of ginger ½ a red chili (if you like it spice like Dave, leave the seeds in!) 1 tbsp curry powder 1 tsp cumin powder 1 tsp ground coriander 1 tsp ground paprika 1 400g tin chopped tomatoes 1 400g tin coconut milk

Re: Caring4Corny

Hi @Former-Member things at the homestead are moving along OK. Slow and steady. I hope that you and your husband are well and that you have been enjoying some time in the garden and that you received some of the down pour of rain that we had here on the east coast of NSW.


I've been to the library and borrowed some cookbooks and also a book on making Kombucha, sodas and I have a little lab/brewery happening in my bathroom at the moment as that is the coolest temp in the apartment. The rest of the the apartment I am worried would get too hot. But my sib is a keen fermenter too so she supplied me with the looks like a slimy alien at present and it is starting to form some tentacles. 


I was thinking the other day I would love to get some chilli plants next season and have a crack at making my own hot sauce. Even if I could just get a few it would add a lovely feel to the homestead to have something to harvest. 


Yum, thanks for the recipe, I love chickpeas and I love curry too, one of my fave things to eat in the cooler months. Chickpeas can become quite creamy if you stew them in a curry which is delish. Pulses are really healthy and great for the weekly $$$ grocery budget when buying expensive protein is a bit of a stretch. 


I have thought about volunteer dog walking or something similar....I feel very anxious at the moment of going into unknown situations., but I know I have to eventually. My social anxiety from so much time 'on the inside' last year really went up another level, but I know the only way to bring it down is to socialise more.


There is a community anxiety support group I would like to give a try that is on in a couple of weeks....other than that I have been playing aunty to my sibs little ones which is always a treasure. 


I hope that you are in good health and have found a routine in your new place. Moving is hard, but new starts are really worth it in the long term.


Corny Heart

Not applicable

Re: Caring4Corny

Hi @Corny  ... sounds like life at the homestead is moving right along. All it needs is a dog. Have you considered whether a therapy dog could be an option for you? If you qualify, and have a therapy dog, you cannot be denied to have them in your home. Just a thought. 

Re: Caring4Corny

Thanks for thinking of me Sherry you're so kind, a friend that works in law enforcement suggested that, he reckons I would qualify for a program or something that would train and deliver me a PTSD puppy......its just the anxiety of being a renter Miss Sherry.....its a land lords market here, they are laughing all the way to the bank and I don't want to risk any factors that would make it harder for me to get a's tough in Sydney, even though it appears there are lots of places to choose from to live, there are a lot off the market. Air BnB has swallowed a big chunk of rentals in Sydney, and so have investment properties that lie empty that have been purchased by international buyers, you drive past these huge blocks and a lot of them are empty.....its the practical constraints.....I hope to be a wonderful aunt to my sibs cavoodle puppy that is arriving in winter sometime.


I hope that you are well and that Holly is snuggled in. The last of the summer crickets are chirping outside my window....


Corny Heart

Not applicable

Re: Caring4Corny


Growing chillies = 👍🌶😘

Another item that is $$$ at supermarket and not too hard to grow. One year I had success with growing an "inferno mix" and was able to dry the crop which lasted a long time.  Something I would love to repeat.   


Our current veg garden comprises of a single yellow pear shaped mini tomato and some butternut pumpkins which may not mature before the cold weather sets in.  In pots I have a couple of herbs, a few strawberries and some asparagus seedlings which I would love to get in ground, our veg beds are under construction and I need to see about getting some help to finish them off. 




Re: Caring4Corny

I love chillie's @Former-Member and yes they can be pricey and also not much variety in Oz supermarkets. Some times I sit at my kitchen table with a teaspoon and sip hot sauce on its own while listening to the radio Ooooo yeah.


I think that I have seen the "inferno mix" advertised somewhere....maybe it was on the Diggers Club website or at Bunnings I don't know...but I have a north facing balcony with loads of sunlight so I think that I could have a go next season.


I am surprised that you have pumpkins in the patch, I assumed that they would wilt in  the summer heat, and yummy, I love home grown strawberries, I do have fond memories of biting into them in the garden and it being an explosion of flavour. Store bought tomatoes are so flavourless in Oz, maybe next year I could have a crack at a few tomato plants as well. 


Some help in the yard would be great, you would have the veggie patch up and running in no time. 


Corny Smiley Happy

Not applicable

Re: Caring4Corny

Eating hot sauce on the rocks = 🥵🥵🥵 @Corny.


1 cherry tomato or small fruit variety such as Tommy toe  can give quite a yield for a balcony size homestead. 


We do have a gardening thread Self care by growing a garden if you are interested.


I live in a  Mediterranean climate zone.


Hoping the anxiety group is helpful and positive.

Re: Caring4Corny

Yummy @Former-Member I love gently sipping Tobasco sauce.


A Mediterranean garden zone sounds gorgeous, I don't need to travel to Europe after all. Adjust, adjust, adjust. I would love to put one or 2 tommy tomatoes in.....I was in the hospital for a good chunk of last year so couldn't get some plants happening....I am hopeful I can stay out of the hospital this step at a time.....But yeah, I hope to try the community anxiety group, I want as much independence as possible, my sibs are not my bloody carers and they never will be. No one is the boss of me. 


Corny Heart

Not applicable

Re: Caring4Corny


Tried the chick pea curry recipe and give it the 👍.  Sauce was quite thin to begin with but thickened up - cooked it a bit longer to let the flavours blend.  Was a bit concerned initially about how  the flavour was developing but the lime juice and coriander at the end made a difference.


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