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Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Yes, it was quite a way back @Determined. I'd never known of this site until today and went back looking at all of the gorgeous photographs. I posted one of my own - the red, and white spotted toadstool which took my imagination when I was out walking one day. Looks like you're a keen photographer. So is my niece, and the Glasshouse Mountains feature heavily in her work. The photograph I was referring to has a motor-bike in the fore-ground. I hadn't realized that my comment was going to be posted way down at the end, several years after the original post! I realized then that you wouldn't have an inkling which one I was referring to.

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh




Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Think I know the one you mean @Historylover. A lot of my mountain backdrops feature the bike (my baby lol) but if the one I am thinking then def glasshouse mountains. 

The one where thr bike has a barbed wire fence behind it and nice fresh green grass? Doesn't look nearly as green atm. At least it didn't last time I was up that way.  

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

That's the one, @Determined. I haven't seen the Glasshouse Mountains for a long time but they are very recognizable. My niece has photographed them many times. Photography is a fabulous hobby but you need scenery, nature, wildlife, flowers and loved ones to put it to best use. I only have my phone camera but it has a high pixel count. The best I can do is flowers on my daily walks - and that's dependent on the season.


So the bike is your baby? I can understand the exhiliaration but I'm dangerous on a push bike.  

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

LoL @Historylover 

My bike was my mid life crisis purchase

Turned 40 and over splashed out on my licence  and bike. I call it my self care. 

Have not used it nearly enough this year. 

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Oh well @Determined - at least you've reduced your bike's exposure to wear and tear! I hope you are out and about again soon. Take care of yourselves.

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Lovely photos! @Shaz51 @Historylover 

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

What a lovel frog @RedHorse ❤👍

Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh









Re: everyday photo experiences which make you grateful / happy / laugh

Hello @Molly22 

Come and meet some wonderful members @Anastasia , @BPDSurvivor , @Historylover , @Determined , @RedHorse 


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