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Re: Topic Tuesday // Navigating work life and mental health // Tues 17 Sep, 7pm AEST

@Former-MemberI have heard of SMART goals. I have used them in the workplace before and also taught them to students. They are a great way of setting up goals for yourself/

Re: Topic Tuesday // Navigating work life and mental health // Tues 17 Sep, 7pm AEST

@Snowie love that you like this goal tool as well!


I am aware that we don't have heaps of time and its getting a little quieter as it gets later, so I might leave that SMART resource there with you guys to consider and move to our next point! Managing wellbeing at work- this has come up throughout tonight so keen to get more insights from you all 🤔


Work can have a really positive impact on our wellbeing at times and if available to us. Working in whatever capacity you can or do, can provide improved self esteem and confidence, sense of purpose and community.


However, work can also involve stresses at times even when we are feeling very well and we can sometimes find it a bit tough when we aren’t feeling well within ourselves and our mental health. What strategies or tools have people put in place to help look after their mental health while at work (and like we have said that might be while you are looking after your kids, volunteering etc)?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Navigating work life and mental health // Tues 17 Sep, 7pm AEST

@Tam28 are you registered with job agencies? It must be really taxing on you. I wish more businesses took chances on people hopefully this changes soon. Keep trying.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Navigating work life and mental health // Tues 17 Sep, 7pm AEST

@Former-Member I try to not take on too much. Or let my manager know if I don't think I am capable of certain things. I try to just work my way through my responsibilities for that day and that day only. Stay present for that shift rather than worrying about what I have to do in the coming days. It proves most difficult but some days are easier than others

Re: Topic Tuesday // Navigating work life and mental health // Tues 17 Sep, 7pm AEST

After taking a week off, I spent an afternoon making a spreadsheet with different ways to cope with varies difficulties, some drawn from the guide I mentioned earlier.


They included taking breaks between tasks (even a very brief break, just to help switch between tasks), using headphones to help concentrate, allowing myself to work from home once a week, and taking notes during meetings (only very shorthand notes which I delete afterwards - it just helps me stay focused as I tend to "zone out"). I'm lucky to have a workplace which already has policies such as flexible working hours in place and available to all employees. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Navigating work life and mental health // Tues 17 Sep, 7pm AEST

When I am looking after the kids, when I start to feel like I need help there is usually at least one that I can put on my knee and read to. The physical closeness, love, and trust from a little person that trusts me to look after them and not harm them changes thinking so much. I am learning from them while they are learning from me. Also, most of the books we have available to read with them are about being better people so it helps me too. Just being around someone that shows trust in me helps me a lot. And knowing the mums trust me with their precious ones really is helping me to feel better about myself.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Navigating work life and mental health // Tues 17 Sep, 7pm AEST

Hi @Tam28 - so sorry I didn't see you come in! Welcome to the forums and to our Topic Tuesday event! You have done really well to post 😊


Sorry to hear you are facing some challenges it can feel so disempowering when you are wanting to work and just finding obstacles everywhere. Have you ever heard of Ostara? We have had them here in previous topics as a special guest. They are an organisation that works closely with the Australian Government, member services, communities and employers to provide employment services for those job seekers who may live with mental health issues. It might be helpful to reach out to them as they can help you with job seeking. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Navigating work life and mental health // Tues 17 Sep, 7pm AEST

Smart is interesting @Former-Member 

Over the years we have gone from saying yes to every job to being more concerning about our physical and mental needs

Sometimes we still wonder if we are doing OK when we say no to a job 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Navigating work life and mental health // Tues 17 Sep, 7pm AEST

Hey @Tam28. Great to 'see' you again and to see you made it here tonight. The situation you're in sounds really hard. I hope you find something helpful in this discussion.

@Former-Member I've been open with my supervisor about where I'm at as far as recovery goes (in that I am not there yet but on my way) which was something I did from the start. I had a difficult time recently and couldn't go in. It felt awful and I struggled to call in to say I wasn't coming, but it made it easier to do trusting my supervisor would understand.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Navigating work life and mental health // Tues 17 Sep, 7pm AEST

Great tips coming through! @Fracturedlight @Lise07 @cutiepiekitty 


Just going to summarise them below:


- connecting with someone (like you mentioned @cutiepiekitty in working with kids that connection can really help to soothe a moment)

- breaks- taking regular breaks to balance the day is super important

- trying to be present and doing one thing at a time and focusing on the responsibilities in that day 

- using headphones (possibly listening to something that helps you to get energised or to calm you)

- flexible working options- this might not be available to everyone but it can be good to find out or ask if you can create a plan around something like adjusting hours or working from home while still meeting the needs of your role 


There are also some great tips listed on the Head Ups website here too!


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