‎09-03-2021 08:33 PM
‎09-03-2021 08:33 PM
Thanks @Daisydreamer I didn't know this was on, I couldn't make it anyway 7pm is always hard but I will read back. Thank you
‎09-03-2021 08:33 PM
‎09-03-2021 08:33 PM
very good points there @Daisydreamer , @BanksiaProject
depending on the situation , time sometimes just sitting with my partner helps until there is an opening to suggest an idea
‎09-03-2021 08:35 PM
‎09-03-2021 08:35 PM
"When I am going to raise your concerns with the men I love, I have a think about where and when I will raise concerns that will make them feel comfortable. Sometimes it takes a few goes, and that’s okay. Doing an activity while we chat has been really helpful. Just letting them know I care and I am there when they are ready to reach out."
I love this @Daisydreamer! A common theme I have noticed in the industry is that a lot of men prefer to connect 'shoulder-to-shoulder' rather than face-to-face. Doing an activity - walking, riding, sitting next to them and chatting can make the conversation seem much less confronting, safer and hopefully more effective!
‎09-03-2021 08:36 PM
‎09-03-2021 08:36 PM
This brings us to the end of our Topic Tuesday live event!
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of both the conversation here tonight😊
@BanksiaProject we are so grateful for your time, knowledge and expertise tonight, and we look forward to hearing more about the amazing work The Banksia Project is doing! Please join me in sending a huge thank you to Jack😊
Also, a big thank you to @Former-Member for joining us tonight, and to @TAB @greenpea @TheVorticon and @outlander for jumping into this live chat.
For those just joining, you are welcome to read through the discussion and hear all about The Banksia Project and the amazing peer support services they offer for men!
We look forward to seeing you at our next Topic Tuesday on the 23rd of March where we will be joined by Bipolar Australia
‎09-03-2021 08:37 PM
‎09-03-2021 08:37 PM
Question 6 (Our last question for the night): For those supporting men in their lives who are struggling, what are your top three tips?
1. Don't come form a place of judgement. Let them know you care and that you want to support them.
2. Pick your moment to talk to them. Wait until they're not busy or around a big group of people.
3. Be prepared for them to say they're not ok. Have some steps you can go through to support them if this happens.
‎09-03-2021 08:37 PM
‎09-03-2021 08:37 PM
‎09-03-2021 08:38 PM
‎09-03-2021 08:38 PM
‎09-03-2021 08:39 PM
‎09-03-2021 08:39 PM
yes true @BanksiaProject , @Daisydreamer
I find you need time , sometimes we want to step in and say things but i have leart over the years , this does not work
I also have 4 step children who all have inherited depression and anxiety at different levels and three of them are men
‎09-03-2021 08:40 PM
‎09-03-2021 08:40 PM
Thank you very much for having me tonight and providing a forum to talk about The Banksia Project and the work that we do!
Our programs are free for all members in the community. We want to support as many men across Australia as possible.
If you have read this thread and would like to find out more, please head to our website or social platforms and get in touch!
Take care all! Look after yourself and those around you :).
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Lifeline South Coast would like to acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work. We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging, and value the rich history, culture and ongoing connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to country.
Lifeline South Coast is committed to embracing diversity and eliminating all forms of discrimination. We welcome all people irrespective of ethnicity, faith, sexual orientation and gender identity.
Lifeline South Coast would like to acknowledge the lives that have been lost to suicide. We are committed to supporting those with a lived experience of suicide and aim to reduce the stigma around seeking help for poor mental health and suicidal crisis.
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