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Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Question 2: What are some of the ways that those living with Bipolar and their families can support wellbeing and cope with the impact?

Open communication is one of the most important things you can do as person living with bipolar and to help a loved one to recover from bipolar. Below are some key steps you can take:


  1. Keep learning - Finding out as much as you can about bipolar means you can understand what your loved one is experiencing and what you can do to be supportive of their recovery.
  2. Be patient - Some days will be better than others, and it will take time for your loved one to make progress in their recovery journey.
  3. Be understanding - Listen when your loved one talks with you or shares their feelings. Try not to react when if your loved one says things that hurt you; people with bipolar often try to push their loved ones away when they are unwell.
  4. Encourage realistic goals - After an episode, it is important to get back into a normal routine and reconnect with things like education, work, and friendships.
  5. Encourage self-management - Work together with your loved one to identify their episode triggers, and times when they should see their doctor or counsellor.
  6. Access peer support - Get involved with a support group that lets you meet other carers. You and your loved one may also wish to join a bipolar support group together.
  7. Look after yourself - Don't underestimate the impact of your loved one's episodes on you. It is important to have positive friendships and support, and to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. You can't help your loved one if you are unwell or exhausted.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi Everyone!


In terms of question 2, I think having an understanding of triggers, the signs that things are not going so well, etc, can play a huge part in a safety plan.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi @Nance and welcome. There are lots of people here who can relate, and I hope you find peers here tonight 😊

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

What are some of the tips that you would give to other carers? --- good question @davidharper_bal 

it has taken me a little while but over time finding what helps and what des not help 

my mr shaz has had soo many different diagnosis in his life 

1) just being with them when they are low , not saying anything 

2) music therapy works for my mr shaz 

3) we hae found being self employed helps as on bad days we can rearrange our week and have the day off 

4) he goes to bed and sleeps 

5) I watch for the time to step in and say suggestions, support, encouragement 

6) trying to find a balance when he is on a high is hard  as he will keep going and going and going until 

@Daisydreamer@SusanaBA@frog , @Former-Member , @Sophie1 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Stopping medication without the guidance of Dr is dangerous. You condition will deteriorate.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi @frog that's a very realistic approach to medication in bipolar. How did you arrive at this view? I know that others (e.g. @greenpea ) struggle with the question about medication's role.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

My life has changed so much for the better being on meds. I spent 25 years abusing drugs and alcohol-self
now. Im happy to take them for life.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

@davidharper_balI got the diagnosis 6 years ago, and since then it's been quite a journey. One of the things that helped me most was finding my tribe in the way of peers. I then did a Mental Health Peer Work cert IV and eventually I would like to be employed as a peer worker.

Key things for me in recovery are sleep and routine.

Exercise too, and connecting with people.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

chin up my sister @greenpea HeartHeart

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

@davidharper_bal  Hi davidharper_bal I always grizzle to my psychiatrist and mental health nurse about my meds as now I take four of varying amounts. Plus they do make me tired and give me tremors which they are trying to find a solution for. It is just not what I envisioned for myself Smiley Frustrated


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