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Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

@frog  Yes I used to be a wild child in my youth and 20s and now I am so straight up and down I can barely recognize myself. I would like to have just one glass of wine with a meal but no I am stuck with diet coke or a cup of tea ....

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Has there been a time when you have sought support from others and how has that helped your journey? 

For me, like a lot of you, connection is one of the key things peer support has provided me with as well as a feeling like I’m not alone, both in my experiences nor do I necessarily have to go through those experiences alone. One big thing, with that feeling like I’m not alone, is a huge sense of relief.  

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi @greenpea!  @frog !  and others I've not met before.

This discussion is moving so fast!  I will try to keep up but can't really read back on what's been said already at this pace.  Hopefully I won't repeat too much of what you've all discussed already.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi @Olga great to hear you found the right balance. For all we talk incessantly about medication, because that is the foundation of recovery, the other stuff is equally important. What helped you to identify the triggers that led to your changes in lifestyle?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi @eth really sorry to hear that the tag didn't come through at the start- I'm so glad you were able to join us now🌼


Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi @eth 

Nothing wrong with a bit of repetiton, so don't hesitate to ask something or share your story! Glad you're hanging in there.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT


I have found for me being on the SANE forum and the BI POLAR Australia has helped me help my husband and my step chidren 

also being a community guide for 5 years has helped me to understand 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

@HenryX  This is a good resource about genetics and the hereditary factors of Bipolar Disorder:

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

You're doing a wonderful jon though @eth- I notied you talking about what you've gained from peer support, which is exactly where we're up to. You're doing great!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi @Shaz51 

We both need to increase our fees, clearly Smiley LOL

Don't worry, you can pay us in leprechaun gold.


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