19-10-2021 08:30 PM
19-10-2021 08:30 PM
Question 7. Where can I find more information and resources?
There is a wealth of knowledge within the mental health sector and online.
Most states have a peak lived experience advocacy organisation and peak Carer advocacy organisation that you can connect in with. Their newsletters are a great place to hear about all the opportunities to get involved in the sector, including consultations, committees and jobs.
We don’t currently have a National Lived Experience Peak Body, but there are some National organisations that promote opportunities for advocacy including Mental Health Australia and National Mental Health Commission.
Another great resource for resources related to advocacy, representation and sharing your story is My Consumer Place.
19-10-2021 08:30 PM
19-10-2021 08:30 PM
I couldn't get onto this forum. Not sure how to do it
19-10-2021 08:30 PM
19-10-2021 08:30 PM
When thinking about if advocacy is successful or not for me it is a complex question.
I think for me it is about weighing up the cost of my emotional labour to the outcome. For example, if I did a five minute talk versus a 10,000 word submission, if I didn't get exactly the outcome I wanted I would probably feel different in each situation. I always ask myself, is putting myself out there in this way likely to be effective? And if it isn't how will I feel? And that helps me to decide if an opportunity is right for me. Because this advocacy stuff can be EXHAUSTING! It is no joke.
But ultimately, I am sort of a mix between a very idealistic and cynical person. So one part of me says 'this probably wont make a difference' and another part says 'but even if you change one person's mind that is so important' and to be honest, the second voice oftens wins. 🙂
19-10-2021 08:31 PM
19-10-2021 08:31 PM
Thanks for all your work in this space @Daisydreamer ! It can be felt through your posts.
19-10-2021 08:32 PM
19-10-2021 08:32 PM
Ohhh soo true @BPDSurvivor , he does not say much and then he changes his mind on things
19-10-2021 08:34 PM
19-10-2021 08:34 PM
We’re getting ready to wrap up for tonight!
Thank you to each and every one of our amazing members who followed along, asked incredible questions and shared with us so openly about your thoughts and experiences! For every one of your questions, there will be people reading back through this discussion and learning from your courage in the months to come- thank you @Former-Member @lev15 @Former-Member @Anastasia @RedHorse @BPDSurvivor @Shaz51 @chibam @Zoe7 @Eve7
We hope that you can continue advocating and having these conversations in your communities
To our amazing guest @Daisydreamer , and @Former-Member , we are so grateful for all of your insights and knowledge!
We hope that you enjoyed this discussion. If you would like to keep chatting, we will be closing this thread to replies, but you are welcome to make a space to keep the conversation going in the social space or looking after ourselves space on the forums.
Take care everyone and join us next fortnight on the Friends, Family and Carers forum with a discussion on Topic Tuesday // "You don't have to be isolated as a carer" // Tues 26th October, 7pm-8:30pm AEDT
19-10-2021 08:34 PM
19-10-2021 08:34 PM
@BPDSurvivor wrote:
Thanks for all your work in this space @Daisydreamer ! It can be felt through your posts.
Thank you @BPDSurvivor I was actually really nervous about being a guest, because I am still developing my skills 🙂 But really enjoyed chatting with you all, I hope there has been something helpful for everyone
19-10-2021 08:35 PM
19-10-2021 08:35 PM
@Former-Member wrote:But ultimately, I am sort of a mix between a very idealistic and cynical person. So one part of me says 'this probably wont make a difference' and another part says 'but even if you change one person's mind that is so important' and to be honest, the second voice oftens wins. 🙂
That battle is so relatable, @Former-Member !
19-10-2021 08:35 PM
19-10-2021 08:35 PM
Thanks so much for all your great ideas, folks! I'm feeling so inspired to get on my soap box! hahah
Keep fighting the good fight
- periwinklepixie
19-10-2021 08:35 PM
19-10-2021 08:35 PM
Thanks for those resources @Daisydreamer .
I have found networking very helpful.
Now, the more I network with BPD carers and organisations, the more zeal I have to continuing advocating for pwBPD.
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